Error restoring backup

edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm trying to move my site to a new host, but MySQL keeps rejecting the LUM_Comments table. Can anyone suggest what might be wrong? Here is the first line.

INSERT INTO `LUM_Comment` VALUES (1, 1, 71, '2006-11-29 12:59:59', , '', 0, 'Daniel, we may have our answer.', 'Text', '0', '', 0, '') ;

The table has been created OK, and the fields in the entries seem to match the table - I have also tried uploading direct, and via BigDump, but it still sticks on this table. All lines in this table throw up the same error.

MySQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '', 0, 'Yes I agree Daniel this is pretty', 'Text', '0', '', 0, '')' at line 1


  • Hm. I exported just that table and the import worked. Strange. I will leave my post here in case anyone else has the same problem in future, and see how the rest of the backup goes...
  • Might be a bit more helpful if you describe how you exported the DB with which application? Depending what you used it should have done a complete mySQL dump of the DB which was virtually clean. I suspect that you're probably missing a comma before or after that line leading into the next entry.
  • I created a dump with phpmyadmin but the discussion and comments tables caused this error so I had to do those individually.

    Interestingly, I now have my working backup but I have no comments my discussions. Just '0'. The tables are definitely there. Can anyone suggest what might be wrong? I'm not getting any errors.
  • ignore me. sorry. the database hadn't imported correctly.
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