LightGallery - an extension in it's early stage
since this is still very much in development and just an early alpha version, I didn't want to add it to the Addon-List yet.
Nevertheless I want to show you what I created :-)
Download, Info & Demo:
Requirement: You need GD2 enabled! Most hosters have done so.
Additional Information:
I tested it with php 5 and vanilla 1.1.2
This discussion has been closed.
How about making the lightbox part a separate Vanilla extension (like I did with JQThickBox) and then enabling the admin to choose whether they want to use LB or TB (and others as they get added)?
and a new version of LightGallery which now depends on LightBox
LightBox can be included by
$Head->AddScript('js/prototype.js'); $Head->AddScript('js/scriptaculous.js'); if(!defined('LIGHTBOX_EXTENSION')) die('ADMIN: please make sure to include the LightBox extension BEFORE this one. Simply uncheck both and include in the correct order<br><a href="' . GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'settings.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=Extensions') . '">Settings -> Extensions</a>'); includeLightBox();
I'm not really satisfied with this way one has to include LightBox, maybe something nicer will come up ;-)
As far as I can see without actually having your script, you just included LightBox into Vanilla's header?
I don't like having scripts included on every page, so mine has to be told to show up. And I added a small Settings page
Nice work.
Posted: Tuesday, 7 August 2007 at 7:31AM
P.S. he cheated as he can actually code PHP :P
Notice: Undefined index: REWRITE_extensions/LightBox in on line 530
Notice: Undefined index: REWRITE_extensions/LightBox in on line 530
Interestingly enough, it appears to write out the files just fine...
Also, I'm getting paths with double slashes in
var fileLoadingImage=""; var fileBottomNavCloseImage=""
I'm sure it doesn't really matter, but...Also, I'm getting no images... it's requesting
and it needs
Probably a Pretty URL thing...