promotional suggestion for site owners
I was thinking about how to create more links to my site, and after months of work have came up with an idea to contact site owners at lussumo.. why don't we exchange links? i can offer you several PR3 or 4 homepage and inside links, and you would place my link at whatever site you own.... we could do this in a routine manner, like you paste your linking details and pages that you can offer, then someone else places your links and posts his details, then i see all these links and put them on my sites and paste my details and so on... this way we can significalty increase link popularity for each of us.... what do you think?
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so if I type in cat.. my site on cats should come up on the 3rd 4th page (correct me if im wrong)
Yes, PR is PageRank, and it is determined by the number of factors, actually, WallPhone, one of which is links to your site,,... PageRank is actually the Google's rank of the page, from 0 to 10... PR plays an important role in determining your site's importance and relevancy... the higher the PR, the more relevant you are for your content (two pages with exactly the same content would popup in google results differently if they have different pagerank)...
for link exchange, PR is espacially important, because (by google formal definition), a link from site A to site B is considered by google as a vote of site A for site B. And part of site A's PR is passed to site B, which actually increases site B's PR. this is why i said i can offer PR3 and 4 pages....
To learn more, google for "google technology" or "pagerank" and believe me you will be bombarded with information on that topic...
now, back to the topic... WallPhone, what do you mean? how can an addon help here? what would it do? if i can, i would love to help, but i have no idea on how to create addons, couse i don't yet consider myself skillfull enough in php..
edit: turned to html format
edit2: to see PR, download the google toolbar
here is the link that i would love you guys to post whereever possible:
Custom essay
All kinds of papers for high school, college, and university students. Delivery modes vary starting from 6 hours. Satisfaction guaranteed.
<p><a href="" title="NeWavEssays"><b>Custom essay</b></a><br /> All kinds of papers for high school, college, and university students. Delivery modes vary starting from 6 hours. Satisfaction guaranteed.</p>
I can put your links to the following pages: (entire site ~20 pages, PR4) (PR3) (single page, PR4) (any page, PR2 and down)
Does this make sense now?
this "game" can only bring results if the links are permanent!!
I put your link on this page (PR4):
And I would appreciate it if you put my link on PR4 too:
URL: Title: Vent Swap Description: Share your thoughts, get inspired or just figure things out!
I have added link to your site at: (PR3) (PR0) (PR4)
If its possible, please change the anchor text of my link from the url to "Custom essays".
<p><a href="" title="YouLearn"><b>YouLearn</b></a><br /> Ask some questions about what I teach about communications and web design and development and I'll try to help. This is also a testing sandbox for my Vanilla add-ons and others.</p>
I'll put your link in my Links section in the sidepanel.
What is required, I think, is a data file (XML, text, JavaScript, PHP...) hosted somewhere central, then if required, it could be manually copied to local servers (to reduce the load). This central data file could be maintained by someone with a notification when it's updated so participants may update their local copies.
There could be a number of display options...
* List all links on the list (could get cumbersome if lists gets big)
* List a link from the list at random (space saving but limits exposure)
* List 5 links at random...
Just something to think about. I have a system where participants provide a small 88x31px gif with a link to their site. It is displayed at random with every page load.
I know, I know, iFrame, ooooooooh, security risks, conspiracy theories... blah, blah, blah...
Posted: Friday, 24 August 2007 at 2:52PM
@ Wanderer: what you are talking about is a cool complex grand scale application, but what i offer here is an immediate exchange between us, vanillers.. plus, random links are a failure, because they only work when they are permanent
instead of thinking about what plugin or parameters this type of application (or whatsoever) requires, Sjeeps, Jimw, and I have already done the first step, we have exchanged links and added links to getvanilla/lussumo, this way helping keep vanilla free and supporting the community.... I suggest that instead of thinking about the app, please post your linking details and offer pages.. I am sure most of you guys run vanilla forums, and these are also great subjects to link exchange..
I hope for your cooperation. it takes 5 minutes and helps your site and the community. so why not go for it?
guys, im sure most of you own forums and blogs, so pleas consider exchanging links... thanks....
My suggestion is not complex nor grand, a simple common data text file that can be used by all in your group and styled as required on each site.
Think down the track for a minute when you have say 200+ people exchanging links and someone needs to make a change to theirs and believe me they will, it's already happening. With no central option, a 2-minute exercise will turn into a too-hard-forget-it situation.
There are many clever people here who could help with the format and extraction of data from the txt file as well as the CSS to display it.
One of the bits of data could be a tag for each link so you could choose to exclude certain links from the array, for example; exclude all links tagged "adult". The growth possibilities are endless once the simple structure is put into place.
A great concept but you need to do it right.
Posted: Saturday, 25 August 2007 at 9:40AM