300 plus leopard features



  • Time Machine is the one I'm hanging out for.

    There are two types of computer users, those who have had a crash and lost everything and those who are about to!

    As someone who is always preaching backup, backup and backup and rarely do it myself I am looking forward to this magic way of ensuring the safety of my digital life.
  • edited October 2007
    you still an offsite backup plan just in case your comp is stolen or fire hazard.
    Go for Amazon S3. every one is recommending it.
    Replacing my home backup server with Amazon's S3
  • I have a .Mac account with 10Gb which I set my important files to back up to!

    Posted: Wednesday, 17 October 2007 at 7:48PM

  • I have a couple of 500GB drives that I alternately leave at my parent's place when I take the son to go and see them. Not 100% regular, but quicker than uploading something over a monthly limited ADSL line for sure.

    Now if only the version of QPS at work functioned on something higher than 10.3 I'd be a happy bunny come October time...
  • Not wanting to start another platform war but, I note with interest...

    Background: I have a new project which involves me working directly with a team of application developers exclusively on Windows, both XP and Vista. I am amazed at how primitive the workflows are, how old and ugly the applications they use are, how much sh*t they put up with from Windows networking, printing, etc. and how they are unanimous in their condemnation of Vista.

    That's not surprising to me however, what is amazing is the interest and excitement generated by the coming of the big cat among seasoned and previously Mac-hostile people, including those in this community.

    Sometimes it's enough to just sit back and let nature take its course I guess.
  • I'm as sold on the Mac platform as much as the next guy from Down Under, but...

    The Dock is not a feature.

  • But stacks and the improvements to the dock are...
  • The Dock is a feature pbear, I think you mean it's not a new feature?

    As nathan says, "stacks" are a new feature along with the Dock's new look so technically it is a new feature.

    I know some people think the Dock is piddly but if you use it intelligently, it can save time as well as simply looking cool.
  • Where the fuck is the hash key on an apple keyboard? Seriously.
  • It's not Shift - 3 ?
  • That's a pound sign. A hash is like 2 pairs of parallel lines perpendicular to each other. Americans seem to call it a 'pound sign' for some reason but I don't know why - as a great british person I think of a pound sign as '£' - which is the sign for our currency, the pound. If apple missed that off I would have driven straight to steves house and given him a good old fashioned british beating (as we will with south africa on saturday...heh...) So yeah, a hash key guys?
  • edited October 2007
    On UK keyboard layouts its Alt 3 not Shift 3
  • On my mac...

    Shift + 3 = #
    Shift + 4 = $

    what keyboard are you using mini? Is it one of the new ones? I have not used on of those.
  • edited October 2007
    Open up system preferences, INternational then INput menu and select Keyboard layout and British and deselect everything else.
    Then on the top right you will see the British flag, select it and select Keyboard viewer. Now you should be able to see all the symbols. Press Shift then Alt or Shift+Alt, that should cover all symbols.

    From Wikipedia
    In some regions of the United States and Canada, the symbol is traditionally called the pound sign, but in others, the number sign. This derives from a series of abbreviations for pound, which is a unit of mass or weight. At first "lb." was used; later, printers got a special font made up of an "lb" with a line through the ascenders so that the lowercase letter "l" would not be mistaken for the number "1". Unicode character U+2114 (â„”) is called the "LB Bar Symbol," and it is a cursive development of this symbol. Finally came the reduction to a combination of two horizontal (cf. skewed "=") and two forward-slash-like (cf. "//") strokes (in this respect, names like fence or square, as well as the representation of the sign containing two exactly vertical instead of slanted strokes, as in many keyboards, including cell-phones', are misleading).

    Its traditional commercial use in the U.S. was such that when it followed a number, it was to be read as "pounds", as in 5# of sugar, and when it preceded a number, it was to be read 'number', as in #2 pencil. Thus the same character in a printer's type case had two uses.
  • I just want to know how come a keyboard layout with the same name (British) is different in OSX to every other operating system I've ever used?
  • Well my OSX layout at home is exactly the same as the Windows one at work!
    Every key where I expect it to be.
    Same when I travelled all over the USA, East coast, West coast and even Chicago, both Windows and Mac layouts were the same.
    Going to Abu Dhabi soon, will check out the keyboards there I guess.

    Posted: Thursday, 18 October 2007 at 7:15PM

  • I've found that the " and @ symbols are swapped around on a UK layout, making it feel a lot like a US layout - even when you specify UK. The UK Apple keyboards even have these symbols in the "wrong" order, so I'm reasonably sure that Apple just does things differently here. I was wondering if there was a better reason for it than "think different" ;)
  • personally, i like the Back to My Mac idea. and now, that Mail.app is going to have the feedreader in it, if only someone had come up with blogging plugin for Mail similar to, say, ecto in its features...
  • Yeah I noticed the " and @ but I learnt to live with them reasonably quickly - it seems that they are the 'mac' way all over the world except england so I guess we cant blame them too much (except england is obviously the best country so everyone should follow us...) Nathan, shift+3 = £ for me. If it was a hash then I'd have no idea where to find my actual pound sign which would put me in a similar predicament..hmm MSB - I tried following your instructions - British was the only input selected but I lost you when you started talking about clicking a british flag..?
  • Actually I see if I choose 'show input menu in menu bar' I get a british flag in the top corner however whether i single or appleclick it I get a menu with: '(tick) British' 'Show Input Source Name' (which just puts 'British' after the flag in my menu bar..and.. 'Open International...' which takes me to the screen where I chose british as the keyboard input, which as far as I can see doesnt give me any sort of keyboard viewer option.
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