Blacklist - Forums hiding the Vanilla text.



  • edited November 2006
    Okey. I added this website which hides the "Powered by Vanilla" text.
  • Sorry to bring up this old thread. I use Vanilla forum and i love it, i also want to give credit to vanilla, however i have a ot of open source project application that i use on my site, is it possible to put the credit on a seperate credit page? I'm using like 15 open source application (i cant possibly fit everything into my global footer) Please advise Thanks Mindy
  • im sure that is a perfectly acceptable way of doing it Mindy. Its about giving credit where credit is due and about sharing the material, not about clogging up your footer :)
  • Thanks :) this is a great forum apps
  • edited October 2007
    Hi, I'm the admin of which has a vanilla installation as mentioned here. However I'd link to point out that we added the "powered by vanilla" text a while ago. It wasn't there in the early days of the forums simply because we forgot it while creating our own style :( So please update your postif you have some time, we're strong supporters of free software :) (and music obviously) cheers
  • Hi, I'm one of the admins for mention here a few times. Steorn is not breaking the rules as they paid for the licensing and were set up by lussumo in the "early days"
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