Login form on frontpage

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I want to make a login form on the frontpage of my Vanilla forum. I've tried the guest signin addon, but it doesn't seem to work. How can get a login form on my frontpage? I'm running 1.1.4


  • edited November 2007
    actually i think there is a extension for this i might look for it and if i find it i will post it here ^^ here http://lussumo.com/addons/index.php?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=67
  • I already tried that extension and it did not work. It didn't show up.
  • sjeepssjeeps
    edited November 2007
    See this post

    I'm not done with the theme yet but it will feature a members login without any addon.
  • edited November 2007
    nice job sjeeps NICE!! ^^ hmm that is weird lazo hmm so u want to put it on a page u made up? or on the discussion page?
  • edited November 2007
    @Hamad: On the discussion page. @Sjeeps When is this theme being released?
  • Unfortunately I don't have enough time to finish the theme because I'm currently working on other projects but I may release it within weeks.
  • Can you release a beta or something like that? So I can check out the custom login?
  • you can look at sjeeps's other themes they r similar
  • Re: login form not showing up-- If you are currently signed in, it will not appear. Sign out and you will then see it.
  • edited November 2007
    @Hamed Which theme has such login then? I can't find one. @Wallphone I know that
  • Could we get either a URL (with guest sign in turned on) or a list of extensions you have enabled? I will check to see what could be keeping it from showing up.
  • Add Comments 1.2, CategoryIcons 1.0.3, Page Manager 2.5.2 I disabled all except Guest sigin addon. Still nothing
  • Is there any solution for this? That would be great.
  • edited November 2007
    lazo, grace and i think the other one is called blogger or something like that
  • Near the top of GuestSignIn/default.php there should be a GuestSignIn_Welcome = ''; line. Put some text in the quotes and we'll see if that appears in the side bar.

    I'm assuming this is the default vanilla theme... and version 1.2 of GuestSignIn?
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