Applicant Email Verification 0.4.0: Note for translator
Except for some few error messages, Applicant Email Verification v0.4.0 is entirely translatable.
If you maintain a language package...
You just need to:
You just need to:
If you maintain a language package...
You just need to:
- Translate the following lines, and add them to definitions.php:
// test if Applicant Email Verification is installed if (array_key_exists('APPLICANT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_VERSION', $Configuration)) { //Applicant Email Verification Dictionary entries $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification'] = 'Email Validation'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ForMembership'] = 'You should soon receive an email from '.$Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL'].'. Follow the instructions it describes to activate your membership. If you cannot find this email in your mailbox, check your "junk mail" or "spam trap" folder.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ForApplicationReview'] = 'You should soon receive an email from '.GetEmail($Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL']).'. Please follow the instructions it describes to validate your email address. If you cannot find this email in your mailbox, check your "junk mail" or "spam trap" folder).<br /> Once your email address has been verified, your membership application will be reviewed by an administrator. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted via email.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationDonePendingApproval'] = 'Your membership application will be reviewed by an administrator. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted via email.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationRegister'] = 'Your application for membership has been accepted.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationPendingApproval'] = 'Email address verified. Registration pending administrative approval.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationOption'] = 'Activation by email'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationOptionNote'] = 'With this option on, the new user need to answer to one of our mail to get his role assigned (if you select "applicant" as default role you still have to approve his membership).'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_EmailValidated'] = 'email validated'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_EmailNotValidated'] = 'email not validated'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ErrNoUser'] = 'Your membership application cannot be found.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ErrWrongKey'] = 'Wrong Verification Key!'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ErrAlreadyValidated'] = 'Your membership application has already been accepted.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ErrNoKeyInDB'] = 'Your key has been already validated.'; } //end of the test, if Applicant Email Verification is installed, these entry are added
- Translate the email template (ApplicantEmailVerification/conf/email_Email_Verification.txt) and add it to your package with the other email templates.
You just need to:
- add the following line to conf/language.php and make your changes there:
$Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification'] = 'Email Validation'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ForMembership'] = 'You should soon receive an email from '.$Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL'].'. Follow the instructions it describes to activate your membership. If you cannot find this email in your mailbox, check your "junk mail" or "spam trap" folder.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ForApplicationReview'] = 'You should soon receive an email from '.GetEmail($Context->Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL']).'. Please follow the instructions it describes to validate your email address. If you cannot find this email in your mailbox, check your "junk mail" or "spam trap" folder).<br /> Once your email address has been verified, your membership application will be reviewed by an administrator. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted via email.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationDonePendingApproval'] = 'Your membership application will be reviewed by an administrator. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted via email.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationRegister'] = 'Your application for membership has been accepted.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationPendingApproval'] = 'Email address verified. Registration pending administrative approval.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationOption'] = 'Activation by email'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerificationOptionNote'] = 'With this option on, the new user need to answer to one of our mail to get his role assigned (if you select "applicant" as default role you still have to approve his membership).'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_EmailValidated'] = 'email validated'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_EmailNotValidated'] = 'email not validated'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ErrNoUser'] = 'Your membership application cannot be found.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ErrWrongKey'] = 'Wrong Verification Key!'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ErrAlreadyValidated'] = 'Your membership application has already been accepted.'; $Context->Dictionary['EmailVerification_ErrNoKeyInDB'] = 'Your key has been already validated.';
- Copy extensions/ApplicantEmailVerification/conf/email_Email_Verification.txt
to conf/
and make your changes there.
This discussion has been closed.