Read only categories...
Is there a way to make a category 'read only' for every role, except admin?
I'd like to set up a category in which I can post discussions and comments, but no else can.. yet 'everyone' can read it.. Basically, I want a page for rules and regs, introduction, announcements, tips, etc....
Is this possible? If so, I'm missing how...
Sorry if this is an obvious ability I'm missing..
I'd like to set up a category in which I can post discussions and comments, but no else can.. yet 'everyone' can read it.. Basically, I want a page for rules and regs, introduction, announcements, tips, etc....
Is this possible? If so, I'm missing how...
Sorry if this is an obvious ability I'm missing..
I would lke to make a category that is visible to 'all' roles, allowing them to read it all, but only I can add discussions, comments,etc.. to it...
So I added this extensions and folled the instructions in the read me, and it is apparently working, as the new drop down menus appear in the categories editor...
One final queston though..
It says to select a level, and the ones of lower level will not be able to add comments... What does this mean 'lower?'
I'm assuming it refers to the 'ordering' of the roles in the role setting box...
So, here's an easy one.. Assuming I want the 'administrator' to be the highest level... do I order the lst with the administrator at the 'top' of the list, or the 'bottom?'