vBulletin -> Vanilla Convertor?

edited August 2009 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I've got a vBulletin powered forum and I would like to convert it to Vanilla. Is it possible? Even though if there was a few difficulties in converting a few things like avatars and others, the important things that I want to be imported are:
-Discussions (threads)
-Categories (forums)

While I don't mind about the rest. Is it possible?


  • Or if not, then at least another forum like phpBB or anything else so I can convert my vBulletin forum to that specific forum and then to Vanilla. How about that? :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    There's nothing for Vanilla 2 yet. It is absolutely a high priority for us, though. What would help us greatly is if there are developers out there interested in working on these imports. Anyone? Feel free to email me!
  • Are you going to develop a import system mark or rely on just random contributions. I didn't know if you were going to provide a mapping system, that could map out all the garden tables and the forum software of choice. We really need a roadmap going here @Mark.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I would prefer a generic importer, but that can be a very difficult and massive project. We have a lot on our plates, which is why I'm reaching out to you guys on a lot of these issues.
  • edited August 2009
    In the mean time, it should be fairly simple (though time consuming) to manually import your data.

    I just used phpmyadmin to export my users table from Drupal, imported the file into a temporary database, dumped the fields that were no longer needed, and exported the file again.. Then I opened the sql file in a text editor and changed the dump data to insert into gdn_user, and changed the names of the fields to insert to. I also did the same thing to assign the correct RoleID's and so far, it .. works.. sorta. I think I did something wrong with the RoleID's cause while they exist correct in the database, I for some reason have to manually edit the account and still check which Role it belongs to.. I dunno, I'll figure it out..

    Anyways, simple enough to work for me.. for now.. But my user table in Drupal was pretty easy anyways (I pretty much only had two roles.. members, and admins.. so as you can imagine, it works out almost perfectly for Gardens default set up.
  • I'll start making a simple vBulletin importer once I can get V2 installed (we seem to be missing pdo_mysql and I'm waiting for our server admin to fix it) since I know vBulletin's user tables pretty well (unfortunately) and I've done a few migrations like this before. Please don't let that stop anyone else from giving it a shot as well though; I can't promise how great it'll be.
  • This would be fluggling awesome.
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