I miss the old look. There's only so much blue I can take! Is this progress?

TomTesterTomTester New
edited September 2009 in Feedback

I'm not averse to change. I'm very happy to see the progress that's being made functionality-wise, and business-wise for everyone involved who has supported this community for so many years, but... I really *really* REALLY find myself turned off by the new design (and navigation). It's surprising and refreshing at first, but after that initial rush it really isn't more user friendly, and, quite frankly, just WAY TOO DIFFICULT to read comfortably, plus the right-side column is counter intuitive because of the width of the rest of the page.

I used to lurk here a lot. Wrote a couple of posts left and right. Helped out some noobs where I could, but these days I just don't bother.

Am I the only one?

A sad TT



  • I'm in precisely the opposite camp; I think most of the changes have been outstanding and well-designed.
  • TexTex
    edited September 2009
    I love the new design and find the right-sight panel rellay helpful. Feels like another level.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The blue is a bit too much for me - and I designed it :)

    It's just an initial theme. I'd love to do another one, but I haven't had time and I have other priorities (like killing bugs). Different styles will come - that's part of the beauty of a skinnable system.
  • @Tex: love the contents of the right-side panel, just not the location.

    @Mark: maybe I should put my hands (foot?) where my... ehhh, mouth is, and look at the skinnable system to make something I do like?

    Did not mean to come across as too negative, but there are many UI issues that irk me, including inefficient use of screen real-estate in the discussion view (pix and names above the text, why, interrupts the flow), column width too wide, actually reduces legibility, lack of vertical rythm, etc. etc. On FF 3.5 in Windows this design looks *much* better if I reduce it by hitting ctrl-minus twice. I'll check out the new skinning stuff.
  • Just poped in to say that I like this blue design. Thanks for all of the hard work.
  • i love the blue design, thank you mark
  • I prefer the blue design to the old one, as well.
  • I'm more bothered by the line-height / leading in some places, notably headers.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    You mean like the title of this post? Do you think there should be more or less?
  • can you actually change the text from the default one like "Start a new discussion" at the top to something else. i was just wondering
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