AdminLinc Admin
Options are papercuts.
Re: Ready to move to Flarum? I might be able to help
I'll get this into the docs in an accessible format soon. For now, here's the plugins-per-feature required: (View Post)1 -
Re: Ready to move to Flarum? I might be able to help
I've looked at the config for that parser and cannot figure out what's going on here. Some HTML is parsing for you and some isn't. It looks like an h1 (with a class), div (with a class), and br all w… (View Post)1 -
Re: Where do we go now ?
While it's long tempted me to continue Vanilla, there's a difficult challenge. If you do a "community edition", you have no input on the roadmap. You're just a silent steward tied to whatev… (View Post)6 -
Re: Ready to move to Flarum? I might be able to help
3.1.1 fixes the problem: (View Post)1 -
Ready to move to Flarum? I might be able to help
A couple weeks ago I did the first full community migration from Vanilla to Flarum. I'm willing to do a few more for free to work out further issues with the forum migration software I'm building. Cr… (View Post)6