AdminLinc Admin
Options are papercuts.
Higher Logic has terminated open source Vanilla
On 2 Dec 2024, I received this message from Higher Logic's Director of Software Engineering: […] I am writing to inform you of an important decision regarding the open source offering of Vanilla Foru… (View Post)1 -
Re: Remove quilljs/delta WYSIWYG Code
I think you want this: No, you cannot "remove" the Quill code from the database directly. Nitro Porter… (View Post)1 -
Re: what happend? more than 300 online
It's been broken since August. It no longer removes users, so it's every person that's been online in 5 months. (View Post)1 -
Re: Help With Custom Routing / URL Rewrite Format - MyBB Migration
Be aware that Vanilla has not had a proper built release in more than a year and I have serious doubts that there will be more in the future. If you're comfortable doing software builds yourself, the… (View Post)1 -
Re: Vanilla 2 just made all the messages invisble
If you haven't changed anything but this issue is happening site-wide, my guess is your site has been compromised. This is a tactic someone could use to hide spam links and messages on the site. Vani… (View Post)1