Re: All pages created using BasicPages are refreshing/reloading endlessly when viewed by Guests
The private community doesn't let guest users see the posts, making it reload the page Firebug and the Chrome equivalent do wonders (View Post)8 -
Re: not show new discutin button "fruit theme"
@frindman go to the addons page for the fruit theme : http://vanillaforums.org/addon/fruit-theme and click on "Ask a question", after that, tell in detail, detail, detail, what you are miss… (View Post)12 -
Re: ToDo list for when 2.1 goes RC and Final
Who wants to do what... test plugins, themes or create documentation (View Post)10 -
Re: ToDo list for when 2.1 goes RC and Final
I Know what you mean and that's why I am asking this early. VanillaBootstrap on github doesn't have those view overrides any more. Besides : the actual Bootstrap version is going to #3 anyways with s… (View Post)5 -
ToDo list for when 2.1 goes RC and Final
Hi all, Let me quote myself here... I Was thinking and it's actually a todo list for the community. While the Vanilla team is working on the core, the community should pull together and improve theme… (View Post)15