Introducing Gdn_PScaffold a plugin scaffold/mini framework for your convenience
I'm releasing Gdn_Scaffold shortly on an MIT licence, which is a utility/script which will help your organise, often cluttered plugins. https://github.com/x00/Gdn_PScaffold Requires php >= 5.2 to … (View Post)6 -
Re: Food for thought - forum etiquette
nice. I would make it an announcement. You don't want too many announcements but this one is a keeper. (View Post)5 -
Re: [Solved] Images not uploading
I'm not sure yet in default.php after public function PostController_MultiUpload_Create($Sender){ header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmda… (View Post)4 -
Re: Karma Bank Compatibility with Vanilla 2.1
you might try removing the & in default.php here protected function ShowBalance(&$Sender) { and for the following methods too * DiscussionController_BeforeDiscussionRender_Handler * PostContr… (View Post)4 -
Re: MySQL Connection Error : Access denied for user '171690_nv12667'@'%' to database '1717690-forum*
the user has to have access rights to that database. (View Post)4