I made a phpbb3 exporter, but haven't fully tested it yet. I think at this point @bontheman has actually gotten it to work and maybe he can shed some light.
Hi Todd, i've just tested it It works GREAT! (ok, there was a very small error in class.phpbb.php) BUT: I've imported about 105.000 users and 5700 discussions and almost 30.000 comments...
Just perfect!
There are couple of little things, which i'd need to take a closer look at...
hi Todd, the line 19 was giving me error. 'topics' => array('topic_id'=>'DiscussionID', 'forum_id', ... so once i changed it to: 'topics' => array('topic_id', 'forum_id', ... it was OK.
Offtopic: [code]test[/test]
One other thing, that i don't understand is, that in my imported posts, all BBcode is formatted as it (almost) should be. Also if there are URLs with images, it renders images. Also code is formatted as code. However when i write a post directly, it doesn't work. See above [code] BBcode. Am i doing something wrong?
@buzz_lightyear, you need to edit your config to make new posts default to BBCode (which I guess the importer should do at some point). For now, just edit your config.php and add the following line:
Uhm, sorry if I've overlooked something, but how did you phpBB-exporters go about it? Using the porter from github I'm only faced by the Vanilla 1.x and vBulletin 3+ options, not phpBB…
Hi @yusf, as far as i understood it, the phpBB exporter is still in kind of beta phase... I mean not released yet. So in order to use phpBB exporter in VanillaPorter, you need to do some small change in the code and run make.php to put all the classes together.
I took the phpbb3 export out because I didn't have proper test data and there were reports of bugs. Since then people have had it work on their forums because of some work Lincoln did I think.
I now have an dump of a phpbb3 forum and @lincoln also has something he will hopefully forward to me. I cross-my-heart promise I will get those tests done this weekend.
I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to require people to upgrade to phpbb3 first is it? Although it could mean some people don't bother upgrading to Vanilla as they might be happy with their upgrade to phpbb3
There are still some problems. Lists and code blocks are not imported correctly. Here are some examples:
[list][*]alternative ZIP-Klasse[/*:m][*]Zusätzliche Alternativfunktion (exec)[/*:m][*]Verwendung eines anderen Dateiformats zum Speichern von Backups[/*:m][/list:u]
instead of:
alternative ZIP-Klasse
Zusätzliche Alternativfunktion (exec)
Verwendung eines anderen Dateiformats zum Speichern von Backups
Can I give you an estimate of next week?
i've just tested it
(ok, there was a very small error in class.phpbb.php) BUT:
I've imported about 105.000 users and 5700 discussions and almost 30.000 comments...
Just perfect!
There are couple of little things, which i'd need to take a closer look at...
Here's my import result (my test domain) http://pdapimps.com
the line 19 was giving me error.
'topics' => array('topic_id'=>'DiscussionID', 'forum_id', ...
so once i changed it to:
'topics' => array('topic_id', 'forum_id', ...
it was OK.
One other thing, that i don't understand is, that in my imported posts, all BBcode is formatted as it (almost) should be. Also if there are URLs with images, it renders images. Also code is formatted as code. However when i write a post directly, it doesn't work. See above [code] BBcode. Am i doing something wrong?
Edit: No, it's the same.
LOL sorry, my typo.. but u've tested too with [/code]
Thanx, that enables BBcode
edit: deleted some stuff... This "sorting by votes" is pretty confusing
as far as i understood it, the phpBB exporter is still in kind of beta phase... I mean not released yet. So in order to use phpBB exporter in VanillaPorter, you need to do some small change in the code and run make.php to put all the classes together.
But i think, that @Todd mentioned "estimate one week" in a post above http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/125696/#Comment_125696
(i suppose, one week to release it, as it works without problems)
I now have an dump of a phpbb3 forum and @lincoln also has something he will hopefully forward to me. I cross-my-heart promise I will get those tests done this weekend.
Thanks for your replies! I see, guess one week of waiting doesn't hurt!
Great work!
[list][*]alternative ZIP-Klasse[/*:m][*]Zusätzliche Alternativfunktion (exec)[/*:m][*]Verwendung eines anderen Dateiformats zum Speichern von Backups[/*:m][/list:u]
instead of:
- alternative ZIP-Klasse
- Zusätzliche Alternativfunktion (exec)
- Verwendung eines anderen Dateiformats zum Speichern von Backups
Code block:<br /><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="autoviewer.swf?xmlURL=gallery.xml&preloaderColor=0x000000" width="650" height="630"><br /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><br /></object><br />
instead of:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="autoviewer.swf?xmlURL=gallery.xml&preloaderColor=0x000000" width="650" height="630"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> </object>
Thanks for yout help.
I'm running the whole thing on my localhost (MAMP).