Vanilla 2 Release Candidate (we need your help)

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited April 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
We want to release Vanilla 2.

1. The problems
There are some core improvements, feature completions, and bug fixes that *need* to get into the core product before we release Vanilla 2 out into the wild. If we shift our focus slightly, we can get those items finished within a couple of weeks.

The real work comes in the form of cross-platform testing. Even if we tell you the operating system (and version), php version, and mysql version to use - every system will have different configurations for every part of their stack (web server, mail server, database server, and modules used therein). This is the truly challenging part of doing a Vanilla 2 release.

2. The solution
We had been planning to install and test Vanilla in as many environments as we can and hope to catch problems before they get out there. However, after recent discussions here in the community forum, we are reconsidering our stance. It makes far more sense to enlist your help, and get you to install and test Vanilla in your environments and help us find & fix cross-platform issues.

3. The call to action
To get Vanilla 2 released, we need to work together.
Will you help us get Vanilla out the door by testing a very early stage release candidate on your stack?
Will you attempt to fix bugs you encounter yourself and contribute them to the project?
If you are unable to fix the bugs, will you provide detailed information about your stack to help others resolve the issues?
Will you take part and actively help out here on the community forums as others work through the issues?

The response we are looking for is "yes" or "no".


  • yes
  • sagarsagar New
    edited April 2010
    Yes! Count me in!

    I am not a programmer so won't be able to help much on fixing bug will definitely ready to go live with the V2 version and report any bugs I find. I have already started developing the site using latest dev build
  • I'll have a go!
  • Yes!

    I'll help in whatever way I can. I am not a programmer, but I'd love to be able to contribute to the project. So I'll install Vanilla, and do my best to find bugs and post them.
  • "Maybe"

    Unfortunately I don't have a webhost right now since I currently have no need for a forum.
    However, I'm always eager to test new apps on localhost and report my findings :)
  • Will you help us get Vanilla out the door by testing a very early stage release candidate on your stack? - YES

    Will you attempt to fix bugs you encounter yourself and contribute them to the project? - YES. I will try to find errors, and I will talk with my very good friend to help me about any problem I find installing and running Vanilla on

    If you are unable to fix the bugs, will you provide detailed information about your stack to help others resolve the issues? - YES, of course :)

    Will you take part and actively help out here on the community forums as others work through the issues? - Yes.. I think this forum could be also used as knowledge database for problems people are dealing with.


    So @mark, I think this is the way open source software is developed. Release Early, Release Often, dont promise, over deliver. I am sure everything will be just right. I am very existed.. cant wait!!!!!!!! :))
  • Yes, I've got it installed and upgraded from an active vanilla 1, however I am not sure how much help I can be as far as fixing bugs. But I will definitely help where I can.
  • Yes.
  • edited April 2010
    I'll for sure help out in the bugfixing - I haven't really been using git yet - but have been using other source control systems like cvs and svn for the last 8 years...
  • I am in to help as best I can.
  • Yes.

    I'm playing with Vanilla 2 using about 4 years of Vanilla 1 forum postings (on the forum I'll be upgrading) to test out the differences and any mods I have to make.
  • yes.

    i run a personal zimbra server at home, and every time i do an install/upgrade, they run a call-back-home script (after giving me the option to opt-out), and this sends back information of my server specs and if the installation was successful or not.

    i bet many of your users ideally would say yes to your call for help, but when it comes time to do it, we've all got our own projects we're working on.

    if the barriers to your calls to action could be lowered (reporting back was integrated into the setup, submitting bugs and patches didn't require github logins), the people who are saying yes, would be more likely to back their answers up with actions.

    it could be argued that the barriers are already low enough, but if vanilla 2 isn't your only project, even the smallest of barriers (an additional signup, running "cmd --version" on all your dependencies) can add up and impede the overall goals of this discussion.
  • edited April 2010

    I hosted an live demo of vanilla 2 at - and the code is synchronized with vanilla's master branch.

    Also, I've forked vanilla 2 at github( and created a "zh-cn" locale.
  • yes!
  • CloughClough
    edited April 2010
    yes, me too :)
  • I will for sure make Serbian translation for Vanilla 2 when you go live.

    (elith has right. We are now saying YES to easily. You cant expect people working with gitHub, but I think that was not your point. If I find any error I would send it on forum with my solution... @mark, you can think about opening new category which will use for bug reporting on forum)
This discussion has been closed.