@Pasquale - We're working on making theming easier. Currently in the RC branch we've got all of the css files combined into one, and we've also implemented a "custom.css" file that allows you to just add your custom definitions to one file that will override the default ones. This makes it so that changes to our css & html won't overwrite or break your css defs. Neat!
It's looking really good. Implemented a ton of cleanup over the last few days. We also made our first dev hire at Vanilla, and he started yesterday. So, things are speeding along, now
The answer is a definite Yes, Mark. However some guidance on how I can help would be useful. My knowledge of the stack I'm on, how to pass on logs when I notice bugs etc is limited. I'm happy to do it, if I'm told what to do.
I realise that sounds like just another job to be done on your part. All I know is I'm happy to install, design and and roll out a site with Vanilla 2 - I'm just not sure how to report back to you with the problems I come across other than posting a loose description of what is happening as a post in the community forums.
I hear you guys. We are most likely going to set up a new issue tracking forum (with some customizations to help with the tracking) for this purpose. We'll just use one of our hosted forums and single-sign-on it here to the community forum so you don't need to set up new accounts or anything.
The cssTheme plugin seems to crash every time I activate it.
Wait the RC before theming, as they were changes related to that in that branch. Otherwise, you will have to revisit it again.
I realise that sounds like just another job to be done on your part. All I know is I'm happy to install, design and and roll out a site with Vanilla 2 - I'm just not sure how to report back to you with the problems I come across other than posting a loose description of what is happening as a post in the community forums.
System specs:
Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala"
Apache 2 with PHP 5 and MySQL 5.1