Vanilla 2 Release Candidate (we need your help)



  • Yes. Duh.
  • of course.
  • yes^^
  • If there is some way we can get around my Cloud Sites problem, count me in. (That's yes.)
  • candymancandyman ✭✭
    edited April 2010
    Here I am.

    One question: I would try the RC version on a live installation. Are we sure that the db structure will be the definitive one? I wouldn't like to have a db that could not to be used with the first stable version.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    This is great. Thanks everyone. We're taking some steps to get everything together for the RC now.

    @candyman - Yes, the RC would have a "final" db structure. We will have a couple of changes in it for those using the current (pre-RC) version. The changes will have scripts for updating, though.
  • I'm interested in giving Vanilla 2 RC a try.

    I don't see a 'download' of Vanilla 2 / Garden. Are people installing it by git checkout? If so, which branch is the RC?
  • edited April 2010

    Top right there is a link called Download source, so if you are not comfortable with git (as its git clone not checkout) then you can use that.

    I should mention that this isn't the RC yet.
  • Thanks, I missed that Download source link! I notice Downloads (0) on the menu, and didn't think there was a download.

    I successfully used 'git clone', much quicker way to get it on my website and it will be easy to install updates / patches.

    Finding some bugs too, looks like I need a github account to report.

    Is there WYSIWYG plugin for Vanilla 2? I looked for one, they look like they are all only for '1'. I'm mostly interested in people easily being able to share images.
  • absolutely
  • lussumo created branch rc at lussumo/Garden about 20 hours ago???!!!!!!!!!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff

    That's not an official release candidate - just a branch we're trying to get ready to *become* the release candidate. It's very broken at the moment as we've been doing a ton of housekeeping in there.
  • Hiya Mark. Multiple roles per user is a key requirement for us.

    And we're trying to evaluate whether to hack Vanilla 1 or use unstable Vanilla 2. I know hacking is not recommended, but equally scary would be going with a buggy app.

    Is there an issue tracker that would give us insight as to what needs work on Vanilla 2?
  • @Mratrr

    We are working toward the first RC, there are a ton of unresolved bugs in github on the master branch we want to address. We are still missing a few important core features, and we will be holding a few polls to determine what else is needed. I personally am in favor of conducting a security audit of the application for the first beta. Other than that, the v2 application is pretty stable, hence we are extremely close to the first RC.

    If you are comfortable with coding, and want to make some changes you feel would better the project as a whole. Create an account on github, fork the project and hack away. personally I would recommend using V2
  • @Mark
    is the crash stash/fail wail going to catch any major errors that would take down a site and undo them, informing you that application/addon X doesn't work? Like a failsafe ? this would be great not sure if thats the idea here.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @mratrr - Here's the github issue list:

    There are a ton of bugs listed there, and many of them are simply obselete at this point. We are going to work through them as we kick out the RC.

    Vanilla 2 has multiple roles per user - as you pointed out. It doesn't hurt to try to install Vanilla 2 and see how it goes. But I would be inclined to wait until at least an RC2 if you are not a coder.

    @bobtheman - That's a pretty complex thing to implement, but we're working towards it. At the very least we have decent reporting implemented so we can figure out what's going wrong, and identify common problems. We're not quite at the "phone-home to report crashes" stage - but we'll get there.
  • We're already using (and loving!) Vanilla 2 as our platform anyway, so if it was easy to upgrade from what we're on now to the RC I'd be very happy to do so, and help in anyway possible with regards to reporting bugs :-)

    So "yes!" :-)
  • I said I'd help, but I have yet to do that. I am going to wait until the new changes have been pushed and then completely reset my site. That way I'll be able to help my best once I know I haven't caused the problem while updating.
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