Vanilla 2.0 RC1

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited May 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I am extremely pleased to announce the Vanilla 2.0 Release Candidate 1.

About This Release

This version of the code has been completely cleaned up, with a number of big changes for those of you who were running the old version from our GitHub master branch. To name a few: we have renamed the "garden" application to "dashboard", and we have made database table changes, index changes, and data changes.

We fully expect there to be issues with this release candidate, do not use on production systems.


  • PHP version 5.2.0 or newer
  • MySQL version 5 or newer
  • Apache version 2 or newer


  1. Unzip the package to the desired folder on your server.
  2. Create a database for Vanilla (named whatever you like).
  3. Browse to the folder in your web browser, and follow the instructions on-screen.

Troubleshooting the Vanilla 2 Installation

If you run into any issues during the installation, you may see the "Bonk" error screen. In order to get past this screen, you can remove the following line from your conf/config.php file:

$Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'error.master.php';

This will show you a more detailed screen of information about the actual problem you've encountered. Please include this information when reporting issues (copy & paste exact errors, please).

Upgrading Pre-RC1 Vanilla 2 Forums

  1. Sign into your existing forum with the user that has UserID = 1
  2. Back up your database.
  3. Back up all of your existing files.
  4. Unarchive the new files and copy them over your existing files.
  5. Navigate to the page in your forum that updates your database (this will not work if you did not sign in as UserID = 1):
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button to run the update scripts
  7. Navigate to your forum and test away!

Reporting Issues


Please report all issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Remember to do a quick search through the issues to make sure your issue has not already been added or resolved.

Where to Download

We have merged all of our RC changes into our master branch, and we have tagged the RC 1 release. You can browse the tagged release here:

And you can download the package here:


  • @Mark Awesome news, I will be sure to test it soon and let you know how it goes. What a time to release the news :)
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Now, we sleep :)

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Nice! Will upgrade immediately and see if everything goes smoothly
  • Installed!
  • SS ✭✭
    edited May 2010
    All plugins wich uses garden/plugin/method are broken now. Haven't tried yet, but seems that changes are not critical for me :/
  • Mark, just curious but will Vanilla 2.0 final require that you have PHP 5.3.0+ installed?

    I ask because there are instances where 5.3.0 wreaks havoc on older apps.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @brant - No, we're supporting PHP 5.2
  • LincLinc Admin
    Great work, guys. Sounds like you had a long day in Montreal; I'm kinda jealous. :)
  • This is awesome news.

    Keep up the great work V-Team!
  • Installed...

    Everything worked perfectly in the upgrade, except my old theme had the error:

    Fatal error: Class 'Format' blah blah blah ...
  • Thank you guys! Awesome work!
  • Great news! I'll give a try tomorrow and I'll start an huge phpBB DB conversion... :|

    Thank you!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @oinkfu - We did make a bunch of changes to views & core classes. If you change Format:: to Gdn_Format:: it will fix that problem :)
  • Hmm, that css file overhaul is being nasty, I probably have to redo the theme.

    @oinkfu, make it Gdn_Format.
  • i have a pre-install error that i've been unable to fix yet, posted on github here
  • This is not an issue but a pre-install question: on my phpBB community the user ID=1 doesn't exist, it has been cancelled: this may cause a problem during the conversion? I'd like to made the conversion from phpBB to Vanilla1 and then upgrade to Vanilla2.

    Let me know, thanks.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @candyman. The import won't require a user id of 1.
  • is the universal exporter close to completion?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Yes it is. We are testing it with Vanilla 1 and vBulletin now.
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