Official Vanilla 2.0 Release Coming Next Week

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Vanilla 2 is now in rc3 and we've been taking feedback and fixing bugs for quite some time. We know there may still be some issues, but we feel that Vanilla 2 is close enough to do a final push of bug fixes and declare it's official release next week, most likely on 21 Jul 2010.

In order to do this we would like to get some help from the community. We would love it if as many people as possible would install the latest rc source code (not rc3) so we can find any final lingering bugs. You can always get the latest source code here:

Any/all of the following would be great:
  1. Try installing the latest branch of Vanilla 2 on your machine, or better yet your web host. Installation and basic bugs are the most important to fix for us. Getting Vanilla 2 to work on all the different server configs is a challenge to implement and test so your help would be great. The main things we are looking for here are: a) Does Vanilla 2 install at all? b) Can you click around your forum and add a discussion? and c) If not, what is your phpinfo() (a link would be great) and web host.
  2. Try importing your Vanilla 1 data into Vanilla 2. Instructions on how to do this are here: We are looking for show-stopping bugs here. If the posts in Vanilla 2 don't look right compared to Vanilla 1 we are also interested in that.
  3. Any issues should be put on our github issue tracker here:
  4. Once Vanilla 2.0 has been released, we are looking at turning around bug fixes as quickly as possible.

    If you are upgrading your Vanilla 2 code using the nightly builds, here is a quick description of steps you can take:

    1. Back up your database (do a mysql_dump).

    2. Back up all of your old files (everything in your Vanilla folder).

    3. Sign into your forum as the admin user (this is typically the user with ID 1).

    4. Delete all of the "*_map*" files from your cache folder.

    5. Download the latest source from

    6. Copy everything overtop of your old files except the following folders: cache, conf, uploads.

    7. If you had any custom plugins or themes, copy them back into the appropriate folder from the backup you made in step 2.

    8. Enter the following url in your browser: and run any database update scripts there by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.

    Note: You need to be signed in as the admin user to do step 8, which is why step 3 is VERY important.


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2010

    Reporting Issues


    Please report all issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Remember to do a quick search through the issues to make sure your issue has not already been added or resolved.


    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • sweeet.
  • great to hear that, will download latest version tomorrow and will install it in live site to perform tests.
  • Have you performed any security testing?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    We've done a lot of security testing, yes. Also keep in mind that Vanilla 2 has been up on our hosting site through its beta on our side. We've also incorporated a lot of security lessons learned from Vanilla 1.
  • Great! I'll help test the latest code!
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
  • Will RC3 be upgradable to 2.0 easily ?
  • @kerphi well its should be but I will do a fresh installation since forum on our site is not live yet, but so far I'm really satisfied with the work done for Version 2
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @kerphi - I added upgrading instructions to the post above :)
  • Ok thank you
  • LincLinc Admin
    I don't see any game stoppers yet, but I'll give it a better test over the weekend. My current issues are A) menu management being locked in the view and B) lack of a RemoveCssFile method.

    @Tim Even as a habitual GitHub-issue-poster, it sometimes feels like an echo chamber on there; sometimes you can post an issue and no one will comment, tag, or otherwise recognize its existence for weeks. It takes a lot of motivation to keep doing it, especially when I have no idea what your priorities are week-to-week.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @Lincoln I'll take some of the blame for that. I hate the github issue tracker. It is a piece of **** and annoys me intensely every time I have to use it. I'll try to get better at tagging things as they happen.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Jipee!
    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • Great news. Thanks Vanilla Team.
  • Quick question. Are you planning on providing a RESTful API for Vanilla 2?
  • raykrayk New
    edited July 2010
    A quick question - can't seem to find vanilla.css on github... Is style.css the only css file the forums use now?

    My install on temp server and import of vanilla 1 went all fine! Only issue is attachments from Van1 didn't import over :(
  • A major missing feature, exporting vanilla information, forums users and posts. Will this be included?
  • This is awesome, I can't wait.
  • edited July 2010
    Will it be easier to translate ?
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