Official Vanilla 2.0 Release Coming Next Week



  • LincLinc Admin
    @artagesw Vanilla includes an entire framework that lets you easily create any API you need with plugins or apps. I have no knowledge of a generic/official one shipping with the official release.

    @rayk There is no vanilla.css by default but I believe you can include one in your themes for forum-specific styling.


    @sitlulong Easier than what? :)
  • Thanks Lincoln, worked it out. Custom.css way makes styling quite nice.

    Is there any plans to include attachments in the import tool? It just needs to port over the LUM_Attachments table and insert image urls in the appropriate posts like all the other data that gets ported across.

    I really really would love that. Please :D.
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @rayk There are no plans to have the import tool support the attachments for this Week's release, but possibly after.
  • I would also like the attachments tool. I have a large vb forum I would like to port over to Vanilla asap. Thanks.
  • I was just checking Vanilla Forums today and heard new version is so close to release. Would love to check it out once its released. :)
  • many thanks to the vanilla team
  • I'm dying... I would like to move from PHPBB (v3) to Vanilla 2.

    Anytime soon it will be possible to do that ?

  • I'm pretty sure I recall the import tool having support for both VB and phpBB v3 import.
  • @rayk

    Oups sorry, i didn't know that. Where can i find the import tool please ?
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @pmarchand Read the first post in this thread.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @pmarchand phpBB needs some more testing. What I really need is a mysql_dump of a significant amount of phpBB data. If anyone can get this to me then I can get the phpBB export working sooner than later.
  • I have one question about this, will the official release support subcategories? I really, really need those for my forum :(

    I searched and found a previous post of ''Tim'' from last month where he said it would be released in a later version of Vanilla 2. Well, if this feature is in the official release I would greatly appreciate that :)

  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Hi @Nimaveli

    V2 already supports 1 level subcategories.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • You mean it's in the RC3 version already? And with 1 lever subcategories what do you mean? I would like to have a category with 3 subcategories(at most) under it. Is that possible? And if so, how do I do that? Couldn't find it in the dashboard :)
  • @Nimaveli 1 level subcategories means that you can have subcategories just 1 level deep from the main category. You can have multiple subcategories, but they can only be under the main category. You can't have a subcategory under another subcategory.
  • @Todd
    I've a PHPBB running at this address :

    Is enough data for you if i give you the mysql_dump of my phpbb v3 installation ?
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    That would be amazing. Message me or email me and we can coordinate.
  • @lincoln
    Exporting your vanilla data should be a feature built into the admin dashboard. that way once you import, you can export for a backup in case a fresh install is needed.

    I was able to export my phpbb3 installation (small forum) and import successfully.
    Without putting in the database prefix (phpbb_) it would not work properly, and you have to check the box for (save export to server) ... shouldnt it pop up automatically and ask you to save or open?
  • @Roguefoxx
    I see, but I don't want subcategories under subcategories. You can have multiple categories right? So let's say I have 8 main categories and want each of these 8 categories to have 3 subcategories. Is that possible?

    And if so, how do I do that?
  • @Todd
    Ok, I made a dump of my phpbb mysql base so i'm ready to help. Do you prefer i contact you by email or by "Sent Todd a message" ?
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