@artagesw Vanilla includes an entire framework that lets you easily create any API you need with plugins or apps. I have no knowledge of a generic/official one shipping with the official release.
@rayk There is no vanilla.css by default but I believe you can include one in your themes for forum-specific styling.
Thanks Lincoln, worked it out. Custom.css way makes styling quite nice.
Is there any plans to include attachments in the import tool? It just needs to port over the LUM_Attachments table and insert image urls in the appropriate posts like all the other data that gets ported across.
@pmarchand phpBB needs some more testing. What I really need is a mysql_dump of a significant amount of phpBB data. If anyone can get this to me then I can get the phpBB export working sooner than later.
I have one question about this, will the official release support subcategories? I really, really need those for my forum
I searched and found a previous post of ''Tim'' from last month where he said it would be released in a later version of Vanilla 2. Well, if this feature is in the official release I would greatly appreciate that
You mean it's in the RC3 version already? And with 1 lever subcategories what do you mean? I would like to have a category with 3 subcategories(at most) under it. Is that possible? And if so, how do I do that? Couldn't find it in the dashboard
@Nimaveli 1 level subcategories means that you can have subcategories just 1 level deep from the main category. You can have multiple subcategories, but they can only be under the main category. You can't have a subcategory under another subcategory.
@lincoln Exporting your vanilla data should be a feature built into the admin dashboard. that way once you import, you can export for a backup in case a fresh install is needed.
I was able to export my phpbb3 installation (small forum) and import successfully. Without putting in the database prefix (phpbb_) it would not work properly, and you have to check the box for (save export to server) ... shouldnt it pop up automatically and ask you to save or open?
@Roguefoxx I see, but I don't want subcategories under subcategories. You can have multiple categories right? So let's say I have 8 main categories and want each of these 8 categories to have 3 subcategories. Is that possible?
@rayk There is no vanilla.css by default but I believe you can include one in your themes for forum-specific styling.
@bobtheman http://vanillaforums.com/blog/help-topics/importing-data/
@sitlulong Easier than what?
Is there any plans to include attachments in the import tool? It just needs to port over the LUM_Attachments table and insert image urls in the appropriate posts like all the other data that gets ported across.
I really really would love that. Please
Anytime soon it will be possible to do that ?
Oups sorry, i didn't know that. Where can i find the import tool please ?
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]
I searched and found a previous post of ''Tim'' from last month where he said it would be released in a later version of Vanilla 2. Well, if this feature is in the official release I would greatly appreciate that
V2 already supports 1 level subcategories.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]
I've a PHPBB running at this address : theveils.net
Is enough data for you if i give you the mysql_dump of my phpbb v3 installation ?
Exporting your vanilla data should be a feature built into the admin dashboard. that way once you import, you can export for a backup in case a fresh install is needed.
I was able to export my phpbb3 installation (small forum) and import successfully.
Without putting in the database prefix (phpbb_) it would not work properly, and you have to check the box for (save export to server) ... shouldnt it pop up automatically and ask you to save or open?
I see, but I don't want subcategories under subcategories. You can have multiple categories right? So let's say I have 8 main categories and want each of these 8 categories to have 3 subcategories. Is that possible?
And if so, how do I do that?
Ok, I made a dump of my phpbb mysql base so i'm ready to help. Do you prefer i contact you by email or by "Sent Todd a message" ?