
edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help


  • Why does this show the version number in the addons repository as 1.5, but default.php shows the version number as 1.6? It's causing the "Check for Updates" to come back and tell me that there's a new version to download:

    Quotations 1.6
    Version 1.5 is available. Download
  • Hi, when I make a quote with your addon, I see in the quote all "ForcedBBcode" addon's items of the quoted post. Exemple : [b]text[b], [p]text[p]... What can I do ? Thanks.
  • Well if you have ForcedBBCode enlabed, you shouldn't see any BBCode tag once your comment is posted.
  • Take a look : http://war.online.free.fr/lrdt/comments.php?DiscussionID=4&page=1#Comment_14
  • That's because div and span are HTML tags. They can't be used as BBCode tags. Now the problem is to know why there are HTML tags here if you don't use a HTML formatter...

    Maybe you should try AjaxQuote and see if you have the same problem with this extension.
  • This extension is perfect, thank you a lot. See you.
  • Where do we get version 1.6?
  • The Quotations extension will quote the Signature as well if you use the Signature extension.
    (Signature Extension)

    Add this 2 lines in quote.js

    var pattern = /<span class=\"CommentSignature\">.*<\/span>/; commentText = commentText.replace(pattern, "");


    commentText = dumpCodeTree(document.getElementById("CommentBody_" + commentId));
  • Does this extension support multiple pages yet out of interest?
  • Additionally - this extension does not work if the user's handle has an apostrophe. Please advise.
  • Could you make this Extension work with the TinyMCE addon? You should check for TinyMCE and call tinyMCE.triggerSave() before adding the Quotation-code and tinyMCE.updateContent('Body') afterwards.
  • somewhere on this forum there is code to do that.
    i think.let me know if u can't find it
  • It's not easy to find. Can you please advise.
  • u guys should use Ajaxquote instead Dinobof has the changes to make it work with Tinymce http://lussumo.com/community/?CommentID=47064
  • I'm finding every time I use this, the code is grabbing the [p] html tags (even though I'm using bbcode). So all quotes come out looking like:

    [p]this is a quote[/p]

    instead of:
    this is a quote.

  • Doesn't seem to be working when FCKeditor has already been installed.

    Do you have any ideas what lines of code I need to change.

    Thanks a lot in advance.
  • edit--
  • @AhYap.com I've made your alterations and its not working for me--- is it possible because I'm using bbcode and not html?
  • Hmm for some reason this is not working properly for me.
    I renamed the quote.js to quote-html.js and then renamed the quote-bb.js to quote.js
    and I am using the Forced BBCode 0.1.0 extension as well. But still the quote is trying to use html commands. <quote><cite></cite></quote>

    Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

    Also tried this with BetterBBCode extension. It still chooses to use html

    EDIT: Fixed. Please note that just renaming the quote.js file to quote-html.js and renaming quote-bbcode.js to quote.js wont work. You must also remove quote-html.js from the extensions/quotations/ folder.
  • can anybody help? when i quote a message with vanillacons, the vanillacons are all in errors...how can i fix this? since vanillacons are using ::filename:: it seems that quotations doesnt understand it...
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