


  • also having the problem:
    [quote][cite]Posted By: Cass_ette[/cite]testing something else[/quote] trying

    it seems like there is more than one person having this problem... I tried the changing the quote.js and quote-html.js....... still doing the above?
  • SheilaSheila ✭✭
    bbakermay not be the best javascript coding, but this worked for me:

    just above the line: if(tagName != "")

    Purrrfect, that solved the issue with Vanillacons
    hadnfieldTo fix the problem of spaces between tags getting stripped completely..
    And this with some issues when quoting formatted text. Haven't checked with bb code yet but at least if there's some way to lose extra stuff and not to mess formatting..

    Guess now there are only issues with Polls and attached images. :D

    edit: One issue more with Vanillacons in quote. If and when quoting Vanillacons that have been renamed using Transmogrifer, code posted by bbakermay does not work and it prints <img src="./smilies/default/biggrin.gif" alt=":biggrin:">
    Somebody willing to help? Appreciated :)
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