


  • As a side note, if you get PHP errors with this plugin, it's the casing. There's an instance of CommentGrid that is incorrectly cased as commentgrid.
  • I haven't tested yet but the previous Quotations was causing problems in ie6. Any thoughts. It would make posts run together and mess with layout and background color.
  • I'm having the same problem as "tabs".....vanillacons are not getting quoted properly. Has anyone made a fix for this? I'm going to attempt it myself, but I'm not that handy with js.
  • Sorry, ignore this, I miss-read the comment above.
    (I wish there was a delete comment feature) pic

    Posted: Wednesday, 25 July 2007 at 11:43AM

  • may not be the best javascript coding, but this worked for me:

    just above the line: if(tagName != "")

    if (tagName == "img") { for (var j = 0; j < children[i].attributes.length; j++) { attributeName = children[i].attributes[j].name; attributeValue = children[i].attributes[j].value; if (children[i].attributes[j].value.match(/^:[a-z]*:$/m) && children[i].attributes[j].name == "title") { outputText += " "+attributeValue; tagName = ""; } } }
  • is there any to exclude images (using either html or attachments extention) and videos (or anything using the jqmedia plugin) in the same way as you excluded the signitures.

    would this kind of thing work?

    var pattern = /<span class=\"image\">.*<\/span>/; var pattern = /<span class=\"Attachments\">.*<\/span>/; var pattern = /<span class=\"media youtube\">.*<\/span>/; commentText = commentText.replace(pattern, "");
  • Just wanted to add my fix for the BBCode version, using the inline images modification for attachments.

    var pattern = /\[div.*.class=Attachments\]\[ul\]\[div\].*.\[\/div\]\[\/ul\]\[\/div\]/gi;
  • I've got a small problem that occurs when I quote something that's formatted with HTML. If I quote this:

    puppies look good covered in fur!

    the output of the quote is this:

    puppies lookgoodcovered infur!

    Something is messing up the spaces in between HTML-formatted text. What do you suggest?
  • Sorry to bump, but does anyone have any suggestions for my problem above?
  • I seem to remember noticing it too, but only around BBCode tags. So the problem could be related to your BBCode parser. What does the source look like?
  • Source of original text: <div class="CommentBody" id="CommentBody_111">puppies look <font color="green" >good</font> covered in <font color="red" ><b >fur!</b></font></div> Source of quoted text: <div class="CommentBody" id="CommentBody_112"><blockquote ><cite >Posted by Dylan</cite>puppies look<font color="green" >good</font>covered in<font color="red" ><b >fur!</b></font></blockquote>this is a reply</div>
  • Well, that points the blame at the javascript. //strip whitespace nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,''); You could try commenting out that line to see if it helps, but I imagine it's there for a reason. The method used to pull out the data may leave extra spaces. Which is more of a concern for you - extra spaces, or less spaces :P
  • My forum users recently discovered that they can change their display names. One of them chose a name that contained a single quote. When someone quoted one of the user's posts using this extension, the single quote in the authorName destroyed the page. Here is a fix I have implemented.

    Insert the following code at line 18 in quote.js

    authorName = authorName.replace( /'/g, "&#39;" );

    This will replace single quotes in the authorName with the html element that will not break the page rendering.
  • Please use $Context->SetDefenition instead $Context->Dictionary I need edit your code every time after update, and you can change some strings once! It's simple and fast way for you and other non english vanilla users. P.S. Multiply all edit time for change your wrong coding style with quaintly of all non-english of extension users and understand how much time of life you steal from peoples. It's theft of life on planet. Be better - use $Context->SetDefenition
  • I can't seem to get this to work out correctly. I click quote and it copies the text that needs to be copied but it shows everything as HTML. Example: Post: Hi there! Quoted Post: <blockquote><cite>dubLeE</cite>Hi There!</blockquote>I'm trying to quote! not sure how to fix this at all! I've even tried formatting the post and the commented post as text, html, and bbcode!
  • how do i make it work with tinymce? thanks
  • Just edit the comment in default.php to match the version number 1.5 - that takes care of the auto updater issue. :)
  • hm, can you be more specific please...
  • To fix the problem of spaces between tags getting stripped completely, but still benefit from removal of whitespace stripping, you can use the following, which will strip all but one space from the beginning and end of each node:

    (Near line 127 of quote.js)
    //strip whitespace nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,' ');
  • default.php seems to be missing a ?> at the end.
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