


  • hmm well the way i made it this extension should be extensible, like a top friends addon, and a enemy list addon.
  • hm. i get this error :

    An error occurred while logging user data. Affected Elements WhosOnline.UpdateGuestLastActive(); The error occurred on or near: User 'zfiles_y2kbu' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 1)
  • uhh ohh, dang i will look into that, when does that happen?
  • just enabled and ... dang!
  • anyone have this file? can you upload it somewhere and link it to me cuz the newer one, the link has been removed i mean the file is not there any more
  • So is this actually live? Where is 2.0? I got 1.7, but i am sure you will agree, it doesnt work as it should! Anyone have the extension complete?
  • I also get the same error as fery.
  • I would love to get 2.0 also...
  • Hi guys, seems like y2kbg has stopped updating again. Now i did try his latest version of 2.0 and it was pretty good alot nicer to his v1.7.

    One slight differences from his v2.0 and his 1.7 however is the fact that 2.0 actually requires, i repeat requires (needs) another extension, i can't remember which one of the top of my head to work correctly.

    I will try to see if i can dig up some details for you guys and see if i can pull up his files as when i tested it for him.
    As a consolation however if you guys have been following this thread, you'd have noticed i have also made a modified version of his extension, and came to an agreement with him to disband my project as there was no point having 2 people working on tangents of the same project. Right so as i mentioned previously as a consolation i can re-upload my archive again for anybody that wants it. How does that sound? oh btw, just a note for people with quiet a large database, using y2kbg v1.7 or my version of 2.0 will cause a decreased in forum loading speed proportionate to your database size.
  • Any working version of this Friends addon would be great, It will really make my forum hit off! and Vanilla needs something like this to bring it into the SOCIAL NETWORKING age of the internet!
  • The download link for the 2.0 is dead... very interested in this add-on :)
  • Sorry for the late reply... Now as my previous post i said i was going to try to find my version of the archive and upload it.
    Now if you want to know what my version offers basically combine what is being mentioned in the original post and combine it with

    Now for the download, please note that this is not y2kbg's archive, but a modified version of his v1.7 release.
    Friends 2.0 Beta (2007-11-29)
    Also note that for various people, due to the way v1.7 and my 2.0 beta extension is built, you may suffer slow loading times.
  • This Looks like a great extension. has anybody got it up and running yet? Would love to see it before trying. Thanks
  • I have downloaded and tried the Friends extension. The below error message was received: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /mnt/web1/xx/xx/xxxxxxxx/htdocs/forums/extensions/Friends/default.php on line 171 I have removed the extension and changed the extensions.php file back. Any ideas? Thanks
  • Has anybody managed to get the friend extension working?
    Perhaps it's conflicting with some of my other extensions?

  • has anyone an idea how to export "myfriends" to the accountprofile ?
    just to show the friends i or other members have.

    thanks :)
  • i have Notice: Undefined variable: Configuration in /home/....../extensions/Friends/members.php on line 111
  • @godfather would help if you provided the version of friends you are using. because there is two packages available, an official one released by y2kbg and another by me. So unless we know the item you are referencing to, it may be difficult for someone to provide you with possible causes and fixes.
  • sorry, v. 2.0 beta, link is in #73 in this diss. actually it's seems to be working but this notice...
  • First of all, a thousand thanks for supporting this add-on and making it going. I am a novice in PHP coding and have installed your add-on, I see some error, though all the functions are working absolutely fine. The error is as below: ----------------------------------------------- Notice: Undefined variable: Configuration in /home/westside/public_html/forum/extensions/Friends/members.php on line 111 Notice: Undefined variable: Configuration in /home/westside/public_html/forum/extensions/Friends/members.php on line 112 Notice: Undefined variable: Configuration in /home/westside/public_html/forum/extensions/Friends/members.php on line 113 Notice: Undefined variable: Configuration in /home/westside/public_html/forum/extensions/Friends/members.php on line 114 ----------------------------------------------- Thanks
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