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Feed Publisher



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    But I just separated them to ease the update process! Sorry, I don't understand why it is better to have one single file.
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    I don't think it makes any difference. Certainly, if you are going to be customising the code to suit your needs - in the current setup, it makes sense to be in a separate file. But if it's going to be automated, I guess pulling the code back into the default.php makes sense...
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    So, How does someone use this extension? I read the readme, and I don't get it. Of course, it's a little late now so that might be why.
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    Hi sstawars, may the force be with you.
    Automated things are done in:
    • comments of one discussion (output of comments.php)
    • searches (output of serach.php
    For the main page and the discussions sorted by categories (output of index.php) I didn't try anything as it seemed to be complicated. The trick in CrudeRSS, the ancestor (wars) of FeedPublisher was to set the links manually, and not to use the process done in index.php BUT search.php. Indeed, you can get all posts in a blank search, and all posts in a category in a blank search with the Categories=General GET parameter.

    That's why this conf file is called categories_config.php, because all other things are automated.

    So in categories_config.php which is kind of commented,
    if ( 1 == ForceIncomingInt( 'CategoryID', 0 ) ) {...}
    makes the code in the bracket executed in cat number 1. In this code, you'll have to provide the relevant links (relevant searches) that you can obtain performing an advanced search on your live site, then just copy-paste in in categories_config.php.
    Links are added in the panel, and in the html head for modern browsers to use them.

    If you think it's worth updating the docs this way (technical explanations) I can take some time for it, in the readme or in the comments of categories_config.php. Please help me to know where FP lacks docs thanks.

    Now try to pronounce those three last words as quickly as possible.
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    what I meant by "or replaced in the main extension code", was exactly what spode said i must've meant. EDIT: or you could do something with the url like "&sticky=no" that would display stickies in their "normal" position. (also append it to the rss feed url [obviously]) it could then be extended even further to allow user options such as "allow stickies to float" and "allow stickies to float in rss feeds"
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    @ fysics and spode
    Of course, if we manage to automate the process, we won't need a conf file and it will be removed from the dist.

    We talked about the stickies once, and then I skipped. I agree we have to ignore the sticky status of the discussions in the feeds. I'll have a look...
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    Ok, so no need for a config item. I guess nobody wants stickies at the top. Anybody ?
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    Could always make it an option?

    Have you looked at the code I used to modify the search parameters? Gives you plenty of scope for adding in your own fancy queries.
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    I'm quite afraid, because in my FeedPublisher test install, the sticky discussions doesn't come at the top. Is it me or...?
    They shouldn't since it's the result of a search.
    Could someone give me an URL to a Vanilla forum with FeedPublisher installed, where stickies arrive at the top in feeds? I guess you mistake for another feed engine (FP is NOT installed here at Lussumo, we investigated a bit with Mark but didn't find anything).
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    Has anyone gotten authentication to work in a closed forum? I'm getting redirected to people.php no matter what I try (after following the few suggestions in this post). Grahack gave me some tips but I still can't get it working. :(
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    I've managed to get authentication to work in a closed forum with the hack:

    $Context->Configuration[ 'AUTHENTICATE_USER_FOR_FEED_PUBLISHER' ] = 0;

    but it only seems to have produced a feed for the lowest-ranking role (we have Senior Members and a few more roles that are "above" regular membership). Actually, let me clarify: it produces the right feed if I'm logged into the forums (say, if I'm using Firefox's live bookmarks) but if I'm using a third-party aggregator it only shows me the discussions that are visible to people with the 'member' role, not 'senior member'.

    Are there any hacks that will make this plugin ignore roles and categories and just give me *everything*?
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    I'd really appreciate it if you left the manual configuration of categories_config.php, or at least the ability to manually override the categories with a manual configuration file when it's present. The reason for this is that there are a number of people (including myself) who manually point the RSS URL to point to a FeedBurner URL. If you completely automate the category configuration, then we will no longer be able to activate FeedBurner on the main RSS feed and the Category RSS feeds.
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    You say "roles and categories", do you mean you restricted some categories to some roles through the Settings->Categories page (roles section)?
    I'm not so familiar with the internals of this process. It could be tricky and dangerous. I don't think I'll have much time to investigate on this. Maybe someone could give some hints...

    sure boss !
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    is there a way to display the author name within each entry, to give a bit of context to the comment?
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    How a feed item is rendered can be changed in the ReturnFeedItem() function of the functions.php file. Just add $Properties[ 'AuthorName' ] to the description.
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    wonderful, thanks. one more quick question; how can i replace the URL in the header with my feedburner URL? had a quick look through the script but i can't see where the HTML is generated. i don't mind if this overwrites the individual thread feeds, as the forum isn't really busy enough to need them anyway.
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    There are different moments when those links are generated: discussions, searches, and manual stuff (for categories). Have a look at the categories_config.php file for the latest. I guess you don't want to link discussions and searches to FeedBurner.
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    Hi, the update check out of the vanilla forum does not work. It' because in default.php the name is FeedPublisher but here it is Feed Publisher. Just a little change to make it work.
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    Uploaded version 0.3.2 of Feed Publisher.
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    Argh, I have to fix the readme.txt too. Thanks elm and sorry for the delay.
This discussion has been closed.