


  • Yes
  • I have this in the notifi panel : "There is no submit button", and this extension is not working, when I check "Email me every time (instead of once between each forum visit)" it is not saved.
  • I will upload a new release today that should fix this problem.
  • I noticed it doesn't work with the User Info extension. JS incompatibility?
  • Uploaded version 1.8 of Notifi.
  • Yes you're right about that incompatibility, I will have a look at it. Thanks for letting me know.
  • From what I can see it is a conflict between Vanilla's built-in Prototype file and the MooTools extension. I will try to find exactly which part of Prototype is conflicting and if I don't need to use it I can include a custom prototype.js file to circumvent the issue.
  • Uploaded version 1.8.1 of Notifi.
  • Ok I've tested this release thoroughly so I am confident this is a good one.
  • SubJunk - great extension.

    It would be nice if there was a way of making default that any discussion you post in, or discussion you start you are automatically subscribed and that they can turn this setting off from the account settings?
  • I'm afraid I still get errors Notice: Undefined index: NOTIFI_AUTO_ALL in /home/osidco/public_html/OverseasSchoolsInformationDatabase/vanilla/extensions/Notifi/default.php on line 121 Notice: Undefined index: NOTIFI_ALLOW_ALL in /home/osidco/public_html/OverseasSchoolsInformationDatabase/vanilla/extensions/Notifi/default.php on line 123 Notice: Undefined index: NOTIFI_ALLOW_CATEGORY in /home/osidco/public_html/OverseasSchoolsInformationDatabase/vanilla/extensions/Notifi/default.php on line 140 Notice: Undefined index: NOTIFI_ALLOW_DISCUSSION in /home/osidco/public_html/OverseasSchoolsInformationDatabase/vanilla/extensions/Notifi/default.php on line 148 Notice: Undefined index: NOTIFI_AUTO_ALL in /home/osidco/public_html/OverseasSchoolsInformationDatabase/vanilla/extensions/Notifi/_includes/usersettings.php on line 2 I am happy to go back to Notify as it worked perfectly but only if the original issue re the email link can be resolved. The problem was that the link took people back to the ACTUAL vanilla installation, rather than the Joomla website that the bridge is installed in. I would like to edit the link to just go back to the website. I don't think it is possible to return people to the actual discussion. What do you think? Can I put a single link in the email?
  • To osid: it would be easier to help you if you would reply to my messages. Just look up, 2 posts before yours, you will see I asked you some questions days ago.
    I won't provide support for Notify, because that is like opening pandora's box because of all the bugs, all of which have been fixed in Notifi (at least, all the ones that I've been made aware of).

    To spode: that feature does exist already, except it is just for discussions you have started. I will make another option to allow automatic subscription if you post in someone else's discussion because that is a great, useful thing to have.
  • Any reason why you didn't use SqlBuilder for your queries? It would eliminate all of the table prefix junk. More importantly, it would support database column/table re-mapping -- a critical feature for integration with other apps.
  • It has always been the plan to rewrite a lot of that code. Notifi was based on Notify, which used very non-Vanilla code. I have improved a lot of it and added features and fixed bugs but there are still improvements to be made. Version 2.0 will be a rewrite and will use proper Vanilla syntax throughout.
  • Hello again, I'm sorry, I can't see the questions you asked me. I really do appreciate any assistance and do not mean to be a pain. Are refering to this discussion or the 'Notify' one? Thanks again
  • Ah that's strange osid. I will post it publically instead of in a whisper, hopefully that will fix it. I said:

    Ok can you go into conf/settings.php and tell me if the NOTIFI fields are there? They will look something like this:$Configuration['NOTIFI_ALLOW_ALL'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFI_ALLOW_DISCUSSION'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFI_ALLOW_CATEGORY'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFI_AUTO_ALL'] = '0'; $Configuration['NOTIFI_INSTALL_V2_COMPLETE'] = '1';If they aren't in there feel free to add them.
    Also I am curious, which version of Vanilla are you using?
  • I found that code as described. wrt the version that is tricky. I installed it as a Joomla component but the installation would only install an old version of Vanilla. I then paid a guy to upgrade the installation to 1.1.4 so as far as I am aware that is what is there. How would I check? I notice there is now a 1.1.4 joomla version but I hesitate to install it as the layout of my site was edited and I don't want to disturb it.
  • That is really strange osid, because the errors you are seeing are basically just saying "we can't find the notifi configuration variables", but you said they actually are there. Was the Vanilla code edited at all? It is really best to upgrade to Vanilla 1.1.5a if at all possible, because there are security problems with 1.1.4. Hopefully that will also clear up the problems.
    Notifi does work with 1.1.4 but I guess the guy who upgraded it may not have upgraded properly, just a guess
  • This is the code that I can see in conf/settings.php $Configuration['NOTIFY_SETUP'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFY_ALLOW_ALL'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFY_ALLOW_DISCUSSION'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFY_ALLOW_CATEGORY'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFY_VERSION'] = '1.2.0'; $Configuration['NOTIFY_AUTO_ALL'] = '0'; $Configuration['NOTIFI_INSTALL_V2_COMPLETE'] = '1'; In default.php for instance line 121 says if ($Context->Session->UserID > 0 && isset($Panel) && $Context->Configuration['NOTIFI_AUTO_ALL'] == 0) { line 123 says if ($Context->Configuration['NOTIFI_ALLOW_ALL'] == 1 && in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('comments.php','index.php','categories.php'))) { That is all correct?
  • Well in conf/settings.php it should also have the NOTIFI variables, as opposed to the NOTIFY variables. You see how in that list you gave me, only one of those is NOTIFI, the other 6 are for NOTIFY.
    I think the problem is because I uploaded the version of Notifi with the broken installer so it didn't set up properly. So this bug has been fixed already, you just got very unlucky with the timing. Sorry for that.
    So to fix it please copy the following into conf/settings.php:$Configuration['NOTIFI_ALLOW_ALL'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFI_ALLOW_DISCUSSION'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFI_ALLOW_CATEGORY'] = '1'; $Configuration['NOTIFI_AUTO_ALL'] = '0';
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