Changes have been made in the main source code to support some modifications I did, which unfortunately breaks compatibility with RC3 You can still download the very latest code from
Changes / Fixes in 1.4
- I sometimes have to push the sign-in button (without having to enter the credentials) before vanilla seems to recognize the cookie information
This has been largely mitigated by a change to the way the signin process works for SSO. Instead of going directly to the target URL of your remote site, I now send the user to another page in vanilla which does some checks, and can unset that throttle cookie before forwarding the user to the real login URL. Long story short, this button works much better now.
- upon login / logout, users are always redirected to their WP profile-page (WP 3.0) while they should be redirected to vanilla / discussions
This has been fixed.
- WP nag-screen when logging out from vanilla's page ('You are about to log-out...')
Ok but my sso-signout.php doesn't echo any HTML, it just removes cookies and redirect to the forum homepage. The default browser's behavior is to load a /favicon.ico URL...
To make it working with vanilla structure I have to display a empty HTML page with that in the :
My sso-signout.php just logout from the forum by deleting the cookie. But if I wanted, I could also logout from my global SSO based on CAS JASIG software.
I have another request/question about signin redirect. I would like my sso-signin.php script ("Sign-In URL") to redirect to the correct requested page after login. I was not able to do it without this small patch: Is there a more clean way to handle correct redirection from SSO scripts ?
Unfortunately, still no luck with v1.4. Redirects are all fine, but somehow vanilla does not seem to regognize the cookie. When the plugin is enabled, I can neither sync my accounts, nor sign in to vanilla anymore.
@binhdo I would be interested in working with you to see what pitfalls and problems you've encountered so that I can improve the addon or the documentation. Would you be able to add me on google talk or skype and walk me through your install?
@Tim Thanks for your offer, would be a pleased to help. As I'm not using skype, maybe google talk would be an option. Though I have to says there's nothing special about my setup: - XAMPP 1.73 on Win7x64 - Wordpress 3.0 installed in a subdirectory (URL http://my-machine/dbtest/ ) - Vanilla 2 pulled from the RC-branch on github (URL http://my-machine/dbtest/community/ ) - both WP and vanilla have an admin account (ID and credentials are identical) - Cookie domain for both wp and vanilla is 'my-machine', cookie path is '/'
Try setting the cookie domain to '.my-machine'? Can you tell me what you AuthenticateURL is set to in your config? What about FSockOpen and CURL? Is at least 1 of those installed?
Did a quick reinstall and enabled the curl extension on my xampp as I was not sure about fsockOpen, seems like this finally did the trick! All of a sudden, the plugin seems to work as it is supposed to! Concerning the cookie domain, I guess simply leaving it blank is the best way to go with my setup; as soon as I enter a value (i.e. '.my-machine'), I'm unable to sign in anymore. Don't know whether it is still important, my AuthenticateURL is 'http://my-machine/dbtest/?VanillaChallengeKey=6rbatwfq2pjs80v0'. Anyway, thanks a lot for pointing out those PHP extensions as they seem to be really essential in order to make things work!
No problem. I think I will put a check into the plugin's setup method that will prevent it from being enabled if those extensions aren't loaded. Thanks for sticking it out.
@Tim, I got the connection to work between Vanilla and Wordpress, but I wasn't able to log back into either one after I removed all of my cookies. There weren't any error messages when trying to log back in, so I know that I was getting the credentials right.
I'm guessing one of the scripts isn't setting a cookie... The only one I have after attempting to log in is 'wordpress_test_cookie'. Any ideas?
Changes have been made in the main source code to support some modifications I did, which unfortunately breaks compatibility with RC3
Changes / Fixes in 1.4
- I sometimes have to push the sign-in button (without having to enter the credentials) before vanilla seems to recognize the cookie information
This has been largely mitigated by a change to the way the signin process works for SSO. Instead of going directly to the target URL of your remote site, I now send the user to another page in vanilla which does some checks, and can unset that throttle cookie before forwarding the user to the real login URL. Long story short, this button works much better now.
- upon login / logout, users are always redirected to their WP profile-page (WP 3.0) while they should be redirected to vanilla / discussions
This has been fixed.
- WP nag-screen when logging out from vanilla's page ('You are about to log-out...')
This has been fixed.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
To make it working with vanilla structure I have to display a empty HTML page with that in the :
Maybe a tip in the SSO doc could help other ?
What are you using sso-signout.php for?
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
I have another request/question about signin redirect. I would like my sso-signin.php script ("Sign-In URL") to redirect to the correct requested page after login. I was not able to do it without this small patch:
Is there a more clean way to handle correct redirection from SSO scripts ?
I wrote a small tutorial on how to integrate Vanilla2 with ProxyConnect and CAS (SSO I'm using)
@kerphi Looks good! Thanks!
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Though I have to says there's nothing special about my setup:
- XAMPP 1.73 on Win7x64
- Wordpress 3.0 installed in a subdirectory (URL http://my-machine/dbtest/ )
- Vanilla 2 pulled from the RC-branch on github (URL http://my-machine/dbtest/community/ )
- both WP and vanilla have an admin account (ID and credentials are identical)
- Cookie domain for both wp and vanilla is 'my-machine', cookie path is '/'
Can you tell me what you AuthenticateURL is set to in your config?
What about FSockOpen and CURL? Is at least 1 of those installed?
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Concerning the cookie domain, I guess simply leaving it blank is the best way to go with my setup; as soon as I enter a value (i.e. '.my-machine'), I'm unable to sign in anymore. Don't know whether it is still important, my AuthenticateURL is 'http://my-machine/dbtest/?VanillaChallengeKey=6rbatwfq2pjs80v0'.
Anyway, thanks a lot for pointing out those PHP extensions as they seem to be really essential in order to make things work!
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
I'm guessing one of the scripts isn't setting a cookie... The only one I have after attempting to log in is 'wordpress_test_cookie'. Any ideas?
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]