Tagging vs. Categories



  • This is quite a boon, @UnderDog, thanks. I am currently busy with other projects but I would love to try my hand at adding a tag alias feature come summer.

  • Sorry for "sneaking" in an old thread, but I got curious. @mxBug: what do you mean with Tag Aliases/Synonyms? I admit I'm not very familiar with tags, and searching for such a generic word would return a "bazinga" of results. :)

  • @businessdad what he means is substitution/linkage to prevent duplication. It is part of taxonomy idea


    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 Now I get it. It's a logical thing to do, but I reckon it would take quite a bit of manual work, if one allows free-form tags, to associate them. I can already see the dozens of misspelt tags...

  • mxBugmxBug New
    edited May 2013

    @Lincoln said:
    Really cool post about how Stack Overflow is compensating for tag synonyms: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/08/tag-folksonomy-and-tag-synonyms/

    @businessdad: This is a good example of how a large part of the work of maintaining synonyms can be crowdsourced. Perhaps contrary to your expectations, this actually becomes more viable the larger and more active a community grows. :)

  • Crowdsourcing doesn't stop it from being a manual process. You are just putting the onus on your users and the mod team.

    Not to mention you would still have to build the tools to use it.

    I think this is a cool system, but to say it wouldn't require manual effort is patently untrue.

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  • mxBugmxBug New
    edited May 2013

    Indeed you are correct, even though I wasn't implying that crowdsourcing is somehow "automatic". It's just a form of delegation: it's a means of making menial tasks like categorization manageable on a large scale, rather than a mod's nightmare.

    And yes, naturally the infrastructure would need to be built first. I am still interested in building a synonym system but I don't know whether it will become something on the level of Stack Overflow's. I'd probably wait to see what people want.

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