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Attachment Extension 1.4



  • I don't know. I can delete them by editing them.

    But a global document manager would be good.
  • This is not good, I really love the attachment mod but I hope it isn't this flakey, wonder how I can delete other users files then, I can do my own...
  • edited July 2006
    Oups, you are right. I tried and the delete attachment is away when i try to edit a post from someone else
  • @dinoboff: I have that same problem.
  • whoah, that doesn't sound good. also after my install now the avatars on the blogs seem to be effed up: they are much heigher than they were before, but in e.g. the userlist they are fine. could this have anything to do with this attachment add-in?
  • I can't seem to get this working at the moment, despite not having any other potentially conflicting extensions (I only have the Textile one installed). But when I enable the extension and open the Attachment Settings screen, it doesn't matter what values I enter in the form, hitting save doesn't update the conf/settings.php :( the screen refreshes after submission, at which point all the fields are blank! File permissions for my settings.php are set to 611 (rw-r--r--) so I don't think it's a permission problem.... any ideas?
  • I had to set the permissions to 646 to get it to work...
  • @bigshow see previous comments about it
  • aahh I see it now, I had actually skimmed that post already, I just didn't pick up on the relevance! Many thanks Dinobuff
  •, 3 days ago
    <snip />After reading this thread I stumbled upon the "improved" code and managed to change it back to the non-resizing version. While I could do it, I know a lot of people who couldn't.

    So I ask if it may be possible to provide a configuration option for this behaviour so everyone can toggle the resizing on and off as they like.
    I 2nd that emotion.

    It would be nice to have a simple check box to turn this behaviour on and off, perhaps even with a text box after which specifies longest side size for resizing.
  • StashStash
    edited July 2006
    And just for another feature request... :D

    I don't suppose it is possible to make the ATTACHMENT_ALLOWED_FILETYPES editable in the "admin" section as well is it? I will look at being able to do it myself, but I suck at PHP, and I'm not just being modest ;)

    Oh yeah, and it currently hates spaces and full stops in file names. Is there a way to stop it choking on that?
  • I'm working on Attachments version 2.0..... it will have many more configuration options so you can change it to your needs. Also, it will have a testing option to check if all permissions are set, folders exist, etc. Also, I will build it more efficient so it won't have this much trouble installing it. I'll keep you informed on the progress.
  • Thanks Jazzman, the release of my forum depends on this! Also, is this something I'm doing wrong with the current version? All my members jpg attachments won't be resized... only attachments I make get resized with GD, none of 'members' do... theres no permission or anything though is there?
  • I've noticed that big pictures can't get resized for some reason. Maybe because of their size, or dimensions bigger than 1280x1024.. dunno... I'm also thinking of adding ImageMagick as an option.
  • ImageMagick as an option would be absolutely awesome.
  • Don't forget integrating .swf posting support if you can! This is essential to my boards... Thanks in advance. Hey, maybe I can do some animation for you in exchange for all your hard work. Let me know: contact me @ c
  • Also these were 640 x 480 images, I as an admin can post big images, all mine are 800x600 and yet they use the GD correctly. I think it has to be linked to the roles some how.
  • Yep, so all I'm doing to fix it right now is deleting the files directly from the ftp which gets rid of it from the posts and then reuploading the exact same images. When I do it, it sets them in my nice 200 x 200 thumbnails. Whats going on there?? Otherwise for me this works beautifully. Its really quite annoying that it does that however. Because otherwise I think this is probably my favourite extension out there! :)
  • Interesting however that I signed in as a member on another account I have, posted a new discussion with pics and it resized absoloutely fine. So I have no idea what gives, the image I attached was 1410x990 dont get much bigger than that!!! Yet it handled it perfectly. But some users when they post it's just skipping the thumbnails and displaying the huge images.

    Note: I did change a few things in default.php before doing this. Like the chmod line to '777' instead of leaving it blank

    AddConfigurationSetting($Context, 'ATTACHMENT_MAXIMUM_FILESIZE', '9999999999999');
    AddConfigurationSetting($Context, 'ATTACHMENT_CHMOD', '777');
  • AddConfigurationSetting($Context, 'ATTACHMENT_MAXIMUM_FILESIZE', '9999999999999');

    depend of your php setting as well (2Mo by default)
This discussion has been closed.