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Attachment Extension 1.4



  • you need 777 on uploads and uploads/thumbs. that's drwxrwxrwx.

    repeat: change uploads to 777.
  • edited June 2006
    Hello, i'm french. I test this : Click image ! But they are bugs ! :( (edit : No bugs now !) So, i work also ! Sorry for my English ! I think of making a French support of Vanilla on this site : (is not open), that think about it? PS : Attachment 1.1.1 in French with LightBox :
  • shino: no matter of your english, I'm a russian and many of the users are not native speakers ;)
  • uzi : oh but I think nevertheless that my English is the worst !;)
  • uziuzi
    edited June 2006
    :)) I have learned french at school for 4 years and it was the most horrible time during the whole school-years, so it's good that we are all speaking english here :))

    P.S. sorry for offtopic guys ;)
  • I have just seen that a version 1.2 had left, Which are the innovations of this version ? Me I worked on the 1.1 ! uzi : English is not easy :(
  • I think my problems with permissions are a result of my server ( running everything in PHP safe mode. This seems to result in the permission issues. Will look to move the site to a different host. Thanks for your assistance
  • I think safe mode is not the problem, because my server has it enabled too and it works.
  • edited June 2006
    If you start a new discussion and add some pics and then you edit the same post and add new pics and get an error (because of the file size) and you try again with a smaller pic you start a new thread instead of editing the old one. ;) Edit: Vanilla Pre 1, Firefox 1.5, Windows XP
  • edited June 2006
    With lightbox the pictures are posted with their size reality I thus sought a means of redimenssioner the image, which I refined a little to preserve the proportions. Thus for redimensionner automatically the images it is necessary to open lightbox.js. So in lightbox.js, search : // once image is preloaded, resize image container imgPreloader.onload=function(){ Element.setSrc('lightboxImage', imageArray[activeImage][0]); myLightbox.resizeImageContainer(imgPreloader.width, imgPreloader.height); } imgPreloader.src = imageArray[activeImage][0]; }, And replace with : // once image is preloaded, resize image container imgPreloader.onload=function(){ Element.setSrc('lightboxImage', imageArray[activeImage][0]); // check if image needs to rescale to fit screen $('lightboxImage').width = imgPreloader.width; $('lightboxImage').height = imgPreloader.height; var arrayPageSize= getPageSize(); var deltaHeight = imgPreloader.width / (arrayPageSize[2] -100 ); var deltaWidth = imgPreloader.height / (arrayPageSize[3] -100 ); var width = imgPreloader.width; var height = imgPreloader.height; if ((deltaWidth > 1) || (deltaHeight > 1)) { if (deltaWidth > deltaHeight) { width = imgPreloader.width / deltaWidth; height = imgPreloader.height / deltaWidth; } else { width = imgPreloader.width / deltaHeight; height = imgPreloader.height / deltaHeight; } $('lightboxImage').width = width; $('lightboxImage').height = height; } myLightbox.resizeImageContainer(width, height); } imgPreloader.src = imageArray[activeImage][0]; }, YOUPI it's good now ;)
  • Hop new version : + Fix the resize but there is a problem... hm I will work
  • First, thanks for the work on this extension! I have a bit of a funny problem though. The extension worked for about 20 minutes, then after en/disabling some other extensions it's now dead. When I upload an image file, the image is uploaded but the thumbnail is not created and in turn not displayed. When I upload any other type of file, it is uploaded but is not included in the post. Any ideas? ---[ Setup Info ]---- php info: SVN from today with the following extensions enabled: Account Pictures 1.0 Add Comments 1.0 Atom Feed 1.0 Attachments 1.2 Category Jumper 1.0 Cleanup 1.0 Applicant Discovery 1.0 Extended Text Formatter 1.0 Html Formatter 1.3 Legends 1.0 New Applicants 1 Preview Post 1.2 Private Accounts 1.0 RSS2 Feed 1.0 Role History 1.0 Saved Searches 2.0 Vanillacons 1.1 Who's Online 1.1 YellowFade Effect 0.1
  • Chmod 777 on : uploads/thumbs/ and uploads/ no ?
  • yes, sorry...they were done properly according to my apache user/group but now I'm at an all time security low just incase. ;)
  • edited June 2006
    Hi there. I've been playing around the the attachment add-on and I keep running into: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: permission() in /home/virtual/site136/fst/var/www/html/vanilla/extensions/default.php on line 447 and also running into: Notice: Undefined variable: Configuration in /home/virtual/site136/fst/var/www/html/vanilla/extensions/default.php on line 64 Warning: array_key_exists(): The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/virtual/site136/fst/var/www/html/vanilla/extensions/default.php on line 64 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: addconfigurationsetting() in /home/virtual/site136/fst/var/www/html/vanilla/extensions/default.php on line 65 I have created the uploads and uploads/thumbs folders and assigned the right permissions to them but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm not a PHP coder sadly.
  • I'm guessing by those paths you're using in which case it wont work. It's built for vanilla 1.
  • Yep... "addconfigurationsetting() " is part of the new Vanilla 1
  • Thank you. Got it, it seems.
  • Ok, I found my problem with the Attachments 1.2c extension:

    Images were not being thumbnailed because:

    - upon upload the file extension is converted to lower case characters
    140: $Uploader->Upload($Key, $this->UploadPath, $CommentID.'.'.current(explode('.', $File['name'])).'.'.strtolower(end(explode('.', $File['name']))), '0', '1' );

    - the file_exists() check then fails because the original filename ended with capital letters
    145: file_exists($this->UploadPath . $CommentID.'.'.basename($File['name']))

    I fixed this by removing the automatic "to_lower" upon upload. This may have unwanted side effects but I had not yet seen them. Thanks again for the great extension!
  • removing the strtolower results in file extensions being saved with capital letters - in its current version Thickbox doesn't like files with capital extensions (not sure with lightbox). On my local install, I can't reproduce the problem with capital letter extension files not being thumbed. However, what doesn't work is files with the JPEG or jpeg extension.
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