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Attachment Extension 1.4



  • a_ja_j
    edited July 2006

    I believe you can just add this line to default.php:

    'application/x-shockwave-flash' => array('swf', 'SWF')

    at the bottom here:

    $Configuration['ATTACHMENT_ALLOWED_FILETYPES'] = array ( 'image/png' => array('png', 'PNG'), 'image/jpeg' => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'JPG', 'JPEG'), 'image/pjpeg' => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'JPG', 'JPEG'), 'application/pdf' => array('pdf', 'PDF'), 'application/x-pdf' => array('pdf', 'PDF'), 'application/zip' => array('zip', 'ZIP'), 'application/x-zip-compressed' => array('zip', 'ZIP'), 'application/octet-stream' => array('rar', 'RAR'), 'text/plain' => array('txt', 'TXT'), 'application/x-gzip' => array('gz', 'GZ', 'tar.gz', 'TAR.GZ'), 'application/download' => array('rar', 'RAR'), 'application/x-shockwave-flash' => array('swf', 'SWF') );

    But this is untested, and I'm not sure how it'd render, or if it'd just download.

    If you want to be able to embed swf's into your posts, and your using the htmlformatter extension, there are a couple of lines you can take out of that default.php to allow embeding of that filetype, while still disallowing script.
  • StashStash
    edited July 2006
    @ a_j:  I did exactly this for .mht files and it worked perfectly, simply listing the file as a text UL link.And yes, yes I know, .mht is a heathen proprietary format, but this is for an intranet, so ner :P

    @ jazzman:  If I can be of any assistance with anything what-so-ever, just give me a shout ;)
  • Hi..i got this error when using File Attachment plugin:

    Notice: Undefined variable: Whispered in /home/u3769/domain/ on line 154

    I think it's conflict with the Notify add-on. Not sure which one to blame..i am just using Vanilla less than a week :-p

    Sorry if this error has been reported or commented, just want a quick answer.
  • can anyone tell me how i can go about modifying the allowed file formats that can be attached. i'd like to allow mp3 files specifically.
  • As far as resizing goes, my server times out from time to time when resizing with filebrowser--maybe that is what is keeping the large images from being thumbnailed?
  • ToivoToivo New
    edited July 2006
    weird jazzman. it uploads images but on clicking it will show a grey area, it will show the picture fine, if you open it 'in other tab' [... deleted ...] aah, what are these? how should I use them? image processing: lightbox etc
  • how to set permission? like create new role that has abilities to upload pictures? not possible now?
  • i am using lightbox with the attachment extension for vanilla. i load the image has a thumbnail. when i click on the thumbnail, it loads the iamge on the transparent background, as it should, then it disappears after loading, leaving the transparent background. i think it has to do with the css applied through a theme across the there any way i can force attachments to use lightbox.css to work properly? i am very new to all of this css stuff...thanks
  • edited July 2006
    I've just downloaded Attachments 1.4, and I can't seem to get it to work. Specifically, when I attach a file and hit "add your comments", the comment is posted and the attachment is nowhere to be found, no matter the filetype. No errors show up, no files appear in the upload directory. I set up the absolute paths to directories chmod'd 777 and left the other settings at their defaults, which as best I can tell should have worked fine. No .htaccess editing was done. I've got a ton of other extensions enabled, so maybe a conflict occured? With no error showing up, it's hard to say. Anyone have any ideas what's up? EDIT: Apparently, this extension doesn't work with Safari. It works under Firefox just fine. Anyone know why?
  • Thanks for your extension Jazzman. I was hoping someone would create something like this, and couldn't have asked for anything more elegant than your implementation. Why no Safari support though? I know the incompatibility is in the MultiSelector(), but I'm pretty sure I've used ones that work fine in Safari in the past. I'd try and help-out myself, but as soon as you add JavaScript to the mix I get a bit lost.
  • I am having the same issue with the image resizing. When I upload an image, it gives me a pretty 100x100 thumbnail, as I set up in the settings. However, it seems when anyone else uploads a picture, its give or take. They are either 100x100 thumbnails, full size (over 1000x1000) or they just don't upload them without any error message given. So... yah, any one have an idea of how i can fix this very annoying issue?
  • edited August 2006
    I'm getting this error: Warning: glob() has been disabled for security reasons in /data/web/virtuals/ on line 313 above the attachments form.
  • the glob() function retrieves the directory structure on your server. Don't know how to enable it though...
  • I have installed attachment 1.4 extension,when I submited a comment in IE,the discussion would display two repeated comments!but the discussion display one comment after I submited a comment in Firefox.After I have uninstalled the attachment extension,it is normally in both IE and Firefox. How can I solve this problem?
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