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Attachment Extension 1.4



  • Hi uzi, I've noticed that too... Using firefox the css get mixed up for Lightbox. It works fine with IE... Bah.. browser problems suck :P
  • yeah, I use firefox :P
  • edited May 2006
    The close box might not work if your install folder is not called vanilla. Look near the top of lightbox.js. There are two lines with hard-coded locations for the close box and loading image:
    var fileLoadingImage = "/vanilla/extensions/Attachments/lightbox/images/loading.gif"; var fileBottomNavCloseImage = "/vanilla/extensions/Attachments/lightbox/images/closelabel.gif";
    If your forum is in a folder called say "forum" rather than a "vanilla" you'll have to change the image path in lightbox.js to fit. If anyone can get a relative path to work - it just didn't want to when I tried.

    Good info on BBINsertBar: don't know exactly what conflicts, but if it can be achieved using the functions provided by prototype, then it could be made conflict free.
  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! that's it! my folder is exactly called forum :))

    ok. one problem is solved ;)
  • jakob, instead of using a relative path, you could pass the forum root to the javascript file in the query string.
    $Head->AddScript('blah.js?root=' . urlencode($this->Context->Configuration['WEB_ROOT']))
    and then use some simple code such as this to read the querystring from inside the JS.
  • a bit late commenting back but yes im using safari so I will try and use firefox and see if it works
  • Hi there Just uploaded the extension (version 1.2) to a clean install of Vanilla but it does not come up in the list when I go to Manage Extensions. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! David
  • which version of vanilla? by any chance? It only works on v1 prerelease.
  • edited June 2006
    geschrieben von: uzi
    hey jakob, I found that it's the BBInsertBar 0.1.3 extension causes that problem ;) maybe hutstein can do something to fix that bug...
    What error makes the BBInsertBar extension?
  • I don't know exactly, but if both the attachments and bbinsertbar are enabled, the attachments-image-viewer refuses to work. i think, there is a conflict between the javascripts of the extensions...
  • I will try, if i get the same errors and check the javascript
  • hutstein, it's thickbox that doesn't work ;)
  • yeah, but maybe i can solve the problem easily, but I think the attachment extension has actually crashed my locally apache :-(
  • oh :(
  • edited June 2006
    I can't get the attachment extension get work localy on my pc...
    When i post a new comment the browser loads and loads and loads... and nothing happens... the original file is uploaded to uploads/ but the thumbs file isn't created... I've tried it with gif and png...

    I will look, but I think the gd function is enabled...
    yes it's enabled and it's version: 2.1.7
    support for gif, png and jpg is also enabled
  • Have you already thought about creating thumbs of pdf files.
    Some time ago I created a project to split a pdf file to single pages and create a jpg out of the first pdf page, but I don't remember how it worked,... but I can look. Maybe it's simple to include
  • uziuzi
    edited June 2006
    hey hutstein, is the file smaller than the "Maximum Filesize" setting of the extension?

    edit: no, it can not be the cause of this error... hm...
  • no, it had 45kb, the upload of the file itself works, but no thumbnail is created. The Browser
  • Now i could get it run on an online system, and it ... works... more or less
    When I try to upload a png or gif file i get the following error:
    An error occurred while attempting to copy the source image "/www/htdocs/w006363a/vanilla/uploads/25.Logo.gif". Your version of php (4.4.1) may not have jpeg support.
    only with jpg it works.

    And when I upload an png or gif i get this error and the topic /comment is also created with the big image, and if the big image is for example 1600x1200px it destroys the complete layout...

    another idea: why are there for example gif and GIF in the array, why don't use the strtolower function before checking to right filetypes...

    if i enable the bbinsertbar the thickbox won't work. I try to find the error...
  • edited June 2006
    Yeah i found the error and removed it!!!!
    You can download the new BBInsertBar 0.1.4 from the add-ons directory.

    It was the $Context->BodyAttributes .= " onload=\"formatselectchanged()\""; now i removed and replaced it and the thickbox works, don't know why...
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