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    mark: yeah, admittedly I was sort of disappointed when I saw you put that in, but I guess that's a job for those custom styles. :-P
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    edited December 2005
    print.css, rev1:

    * {font-family: Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Tahoma, Arial;} ul#MenuForum, div.Session, div.Panel, div.PageDetails, a.PageJump, ol.PageList, div.CommentOptions, div.CommentForm, div.Links, div.AddCommentsTitle, a.PageNav, div.Discussions, div.Categories, div.Search, div.Account, div.SettingsPageBody { display:none; } div.Comment { padding:0.125in 0 0.25in; border-top:.01in solid black; } a:link, a:visited { color: #520; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } div.Title { padding-bottom:0.125in font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } div.CommentAuthor a, div.Logo, div.Logo * { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } div.CommentTime, div.CommentTime em, div.Foot * { font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; } div.CommentBody { padding-top:0.125in; font-size:10pt; } div.Copyright { border-top:.01in solid black; padding-top:0.125in } div.CommentBody a:link:after, div.CommentBody a:visited:after { content: " (" attr(href) ") "; font-size: 90%; }
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    edited December 2005
    Ack, curse you Code tag, and your blatant disrespect of whitespace!

    EDIT: ...which itself is due to the lack of

    code {white-space: pre;}
    in vanilla.css
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    NickENickE New
    edited December 2005
    Or you could just use the pre tag as well, which is exactly what it exists for.
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    No, because whitespace should be honored in all code tags, not just the ones wrapped in <pre>s
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    When I said that I meant within the HTML specification, not Vanilla. I don't know, just seems sort of silly to turn every single tag into something it's not with CSS when numerous times an entire tag exists for that specific reason.
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    edited December 2005
    That's a little backwards; the only reason the <pre> tag honors whitespace is because the major browsers put "white-space: pre;" in their default stylesheets. The idea is to remove intrinsic styling from elements entirely.
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    Yeah, you're right. I was thinking back to the days when CSS didn't really exist/wasn't nearly as flexible, and the layout was achieved through the actual HTML and not about a hundred divs and uls with half a meg of styling.
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    Bergamot, don't get them started with arguments about <code> tags <3 :D
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I added your css and uploaded to vanilladev. I took a look at it in firefox using the web developer's extension and it didn't really look right - all I could see was this:

    Vanilla Dev The page was delivered in 0.6529 seconds

    But I don't trust that extension.
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    what a timely thread. i was about to stop back by and say how much i really like vanilla... and this was here! i got stuck on a project at work that needs a fairly basic forum, and needs to run on SQLITE, so we've picked up punbb. punbb is a nice piece of work, and i really appreciate that it's written more procedurally than object-oriented (one i understand, the other destroys my brain!)... but vanilla is 100% better. my favorite part? the extensibility. i've been doing *minor* changes to the code, and today i realized what a nightmare it will be to update. what're the chances of abstracting vanilla enough to allow an installation to run on sqlite? =)
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It actually shouldn't be that difficult. I've never used sqllite before, though, so my big questions are: 1. How similar is the sql syntax to that of mysql? 2. Does php have built in functions to handle database calls like it does for mysql?
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    sqlite itself is built-in to php. i've been out of rdbms coding for a while, so i'm far from authoritative on this, but the functions themselves look similar: as far as the sql syntax itself, i was actually surprised to see that they maintain a couple of short lists of what it *doesn't* support: and and isn't vanilla pretty abstracted just on principle? from what i looked at, there are only a handful of classes that call the database.
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    In regards to the print CSS, that's great that you completed the work that quickly. That's some fast work Bergamot. Good stuff! Cheers! cb.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited December 2005
    Thanks, jsanders. It looks like supporting sqllite would be pretty easy. I might download and install it tomorrow and give it a go. I'm curious to see how much faster (if any) it is than mysql anyway.
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    What I love: 1. Vanilla is crisp and clean, no wasted space or sloppy markup. 2. The few things that I would change (so far) can be done easily in CSS. Print preview in Firefox and IE both work well to view the printed style. *Checks vanilladev* Very good job Bergamot.
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    edited December 2005
    Actually, I made that with a page I saved from 0.9.2, so certain parts don't line up really well when it's used on vanilladev. I'll have to make some modifications. Also, right now it *only* prints discussions.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've spent all afternoon working on getting sqlite working with php. What a pain in the ass! Everywhere I read, it says that you should definitely be using sqlite3, but there is almost no support for it in php (definitely none before php5), and it just doesn't seem to work at all. I keep getting all kinds of random system errors because of it - it's making all of my php extensions fail (even mysql and gd2). It's totally buggerred. I'm not quite sure how to proceed.
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    lechlech Chicagoland
    screw sqlite for perhaps a better supported DB ?
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    i honestly can't comment on what the differences between sqlite 2.8 and 3, but have you seen xampp? i don't know what your setup is like at the moment, so it might not really be worth it, but at least it would give you a basic dev environment with sqlite working. well... sqlite 2.8, at least.
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