Sign In With Google Plugin Not Working

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I enabled both openid and google plugin then went to settings for each and enabled that as well. I can click through to openid but not with google.

Here's the error message on vanilla 2.0.16:
Method Not Implemented

GET to /entry/openid not supported.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


  • Anyone have this working on a new install of 2.0.16?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I believe we're running the latest code (and those plugins) on this site. Maybe @Todd or @Tim can help? This isn't really my area of expertise :/
  • Thanks for your response. I hope to hear from someone soon. Vanilla seems good so far but bundled plugin, contributed themes, support and docs for 2.0.16 is lacking. Those are the things I run into as a new vanilla user.
  • I'm having trouble as well. When I click the google sign-in button, a window pops up, but goes nowhere. Open ID seems to work.
  • Seems to be a problem with anonymizeURLs plugin. Disabled and Google Sign-in worked.
  • @mostmodernist

    Which version of vanilla are you using? My problem is with a new install of 2.0.16. Surprised the issue is right out of the box.
  • I'm using 2.0.16 too.. :\
  • Glad you got it working. I don't have anonymizedURLs plugin so not sure why it's not working. I will test it on another new install. Hope support will pick up here.
  • Not working here either (though OpenID is working for me, as for others). And I don't have anonymizeURL plugin...
  • I'm having the same issue, for me Open ID+Facebook work, but the 'pop up' uses this URL but when you visit just the google part of the URL in a browser google says the page is invalid???

  • i have seting log in with fb, twitter, open id and worked but google sign in stil error. :
    Page Not Found

    The page you were looking for could not be found.
    please help me.

    thank you
  • i try with and without anonimuous url and still same error
  • edited January 2011
    With this many members having the same issue, it must be a bug so hopefully @Tim @Todd or another staff member can give us at least some type of feedback.
  • I have same problem for google login... :(
  • I just upgraded to Version because it said it fixed this issue, but it doesn't on mine :-(
  • I just upgraded to Version because it said it fixed this issue, but it doesn't on mine :-(
    how did you upgrade from version 2.0.16 to
  • Is this plugin deleted from plugins page?
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    It is part of core.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • edited January 2011
    Upgraded to and google sign-in plugin still NOT working.

    501 Method Not Implemented

    @Tim Does the plugin know the difference between these two?
  • Just upgraded to Version and it did not fix the bug. :-( In fact I see no difference between 2 and 3 (17) ... on your page, maybe it would be a good idea to explain the changes between updates so we can actually help test the changes for you and report bugs ? Or maybe I missed the post that explains this?
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