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Integration with WordPress



  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited July 2006
    The WP support forum and the number of extensions in general is phenomenal, agreed. But - I'm hoping that Swell will have as many neat extensions as Vanilla, as the community here is pretty active (albeit small compared to WP).... and I'm sure that the usual extensions you see for blogs will be coded pretty quickly (lightbox for images, flickr integration, gravatars etc)
  • edited July 2006
    I have noticed that this forum has a higher ratio of talented people to beginners... I can imagine some nice addons being released.. I'll try my best as well :P
  • Well i for one would move over to Swell from WordPress in a heartbeat, ive been using WordPress for personal and work based projects such as let alone some of my bigger work projects that has a fully intergrated store and payment referral system :) I just wish i could have the time to get my head around V1 better and then take a look at the way "People" is used to intergrate this bad boy in WP.
  • Someone has just pointed me in the direction of which is a Wordpress/phpBB login integration system... might have some good clues for doing the same with Vanilla
  • what are "A+ SEO features"?
  • good Search Engine Optimisation features, I think...
  • *We shall not, we shall not be moved*
  • I have been using WP for a brief while now. One of the things I've noticed, being a developer myself, is that there is a never-ending barrage of user requests. It is human nature for each one of us to see things differently, use things differently and expect different things. One of my goals is to try and find the right tool for the right situation. Right now I'm experimenting with Vanilla to see if it meets my needs.
  • Just a friendly bump =)
  • Still no news from the integration front?
  • ToivoToivo New
    edited August 2006
    it definitely should work the other way. Feed to vanilla converter would be nice as this will work for other blogs too.
  • The easiest method of integrating WordPress with Vanilla that I have found is to remove WP's commenting feature altogether, and to use the unique key feature in WP to insert a link to the discussion in Vanilla. For instance, at the bottom of each post the unique key would be inserted for "Discuss it" or similar. The value of this key would be a link to the Vanilla discussion. I've typically done this in a specified forum category called 'Discuss It' or similar.

    The primary defect in this method is that a topic must be started for each post, but if a site is fairly actve this should not be a problem.
  • prince_of_oreon, your method sounds like using a bot to post content from wp to vanilla automatically. That would be a great extension to have as well.
  • edited August 2006
    @tthmaz - a hack that created a topic with the same name as the post in a specified forum category would simplify the process a lot. The method does require some modification of the WP template files however, and the inclusion of the unique key tag in lieu of the commenting tag. I'm not entirely sure if I would like to see the entire post content reproduced in the topic or not. Perhaps having a binary switch to allow users to toggle full quoting on and off would be nice.

    edit: as an aside, I'm nearly done writing a stable hack that would do this. Once, I find the mod guidelines for Vanilla I may try and bundle it for release.
  • edited August 2006
    The link in WP would look like this "vanilla/index.php?PostBackAction=Discussit&WBarticleID=##" in WP. You just have to create a new PostBackControl, that check the user is logged-in, that the discussion is already started (or starting one - vanilla need access to the WP table) and send the user to the discussion. That doesn't look like hard.
  • @prince_of_oreon, good luck with the hack. and please let me be the second to know when it's done (you're the first, remember?!) @Dinoboff, instead of a link, how about pulling the whole comment textarea box area with username and pass login(extension), spelling checker(extension) and vanillaicons(extension) to replace the wp comment area? think all these are just contained in a div or sth (still haven't look at how vanilla's framework works).
  • I'm finding more and more that wordpress is a really an aswome blog solution, although I am looking forward to checking out swell, It will be hard for anything to top wordpress, its the most customizable, easy to use, easy to install blog system out there. It would be great if swell could match WP in every way and then some but I imagine Mark will take a more simple approach like here in Vanilla and strip away excess toys
  • As a side note, I made a banner extension that matches my wordpresss site exactly. That way it is a seamless switch between the two. I still need to tweak it a little, but check it out at Man, can I just say that vanilla rocks!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'm sure that by now you guys have seen this:
  • Yep, thanks Mark. I don't really need login and full user integration, just theme, and comments. So far the theme integration is nice with the banner extension. Now for the comments...
This discussion has been closed.