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Integration with WordPress



  • edited September 2006
    Mark, brace yourself for some really dumb questions...

    • What is the end result of this integration? What does it look like? How does it function?

    • Can such an integration be incorporated into an existing site? i.e. *within* a particular div?

    • How do we do this, if we already have an active board?
  • Nice set up Creede, the only turn off are those dang google ad links lol I hate them but so many sites flood their pages with them hoping to get rich, one could always play the lotto ;-)
  • Thanks bugs. Yeah, about the google ads. I just turned those on. I think its a little over the top. I am still changing things up a lot.
  • Creede, sorry if these are stupid questions, but is that comments link automatic? And does it create the post in the forum automatically?
  • No stupid questions. No unfortunately the comments link are not automatic. I have a rss feed importer on my wordpress site which gets a lovely vanilla feed thanks to marks rss2 extension. Then I have comments turned off on all my new posts, and I manually start a new discussion and post a link to it for comments. I am waiting for a whiz programmer to save me from all the manual labor.
  • Creede, I think this might be the answer I'm looking for. So another non-stupid question for you. :)

    This is what I think you are saying. Please correct me if I'm wrong:

    Wordpress blog for main site
    Vanilla board on back end
    Comments on WP turned off
    Feed importer in WP imports info from Vanilla (via extension) to "recent forum comments" sidebar
    When you make a new blog entry, you create a Vanilla discussion, then manually create a link to that discussion at the end of your blog.

    Did I get it?

    How does WP get the comment count from Vanilla? (As you can tell, I'm still working on understanding how the feeds work.)
  • You got it. About the count from Vanilla. So far it doesn't count at all. I am sure someone much smarter than I will come along and create some nifty extension that pulls a feed from wp and links to it with a dynamic comment link. Until then.... It just looks like its mostly integrated.
  • Thanks. On your site the blog entries do have a comment count, and most of them have values other than zero. Where did that come from?

  • I just switched, so the newest post is really the only one with comments in the forums.
  • Just to rehash this a bit. I finally took the - 20 minutes to do the user integration, as I want to combine my WP install and Vanilla install so that they work together - as well as move them to a different part of my site. Anyways, this showed me how to combine users and user management which is awesome.

    However, what it does not show is how to make Vanilla be used as the comment system. Has anyone gotten this to work? Say, instead of the comment link in the WP template, it just says "discuss this now" which would send you to the same post, but in the Vanilla portion of the install.

    That's what I would like ideally. And yes, I know that a lot of people have requested something like this. But, my question is, has anyone gotten it to work like this or at least have a good idea of how I could go about doing it?

  • how good are you with php?
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