Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

Vanilla Extensions not Found



  • edited March 2006
    I use Smultron on OSX, running in UTF-8 mode, and it works fine. It's basically TextPad for Mac, and a hell of a lot better than Textwrangler/BBedit.
  • That doesn't work for me either. Just Dreamweaver. Oh well, at least they're all working now.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Right on. Glad you got it working :)
  • Pesky linebreaks. I'm surprised we didnt get any funky headers already sent errors.

    Enjoy vanilla though!
  • hi - this exact same problem is happening to me - "Whenever I copy ANY extension's .php file to the extension folder (I've tried several, including Signature, GoogleAds, PreviewPost, etc.) it does not show up in the extension manager. " I don't really understand what caused Freedman's problem to be solved - can anyone elucidate for me? (here is basic run down of what I have been doing: d/l zip from internet to desktop - unzip folder to desktop - ssh/sftp unzipped folder to extentions folder on server via WinSCP - all permissions are set the same as all the other permissions - but no dice, nothing at all is showing up in the extentions manager)
  • nothing atall or a lot of the same extension (whisper, probably)? What transfer are you using to upload them (ascii or binary)? What software is your server running (apache ver, php ver, mysql ver)? What version of vanilla are you running? What version of vanilla were the extensions written for?
  • 1. nothing at all - it is not the whisper problem 2. ascii (i tried binary, that didn't work either) 3. I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to this - it's not my server. 4. vanilla version ( 5. erk.. only really want to run this Extended Text Formatter 1.1 but looking at it now, it seems it is for version 1 anyway, so it's all a bit moot. Thank you for your swift response anyhow!
  • No probs. I'd be surprised if there wasnt a v0.9.2.6 compatible extended text formatter hanging around though... have you tried the one off the wiki? I dunno if mark still has one online.
  • there is not one on the wiki, that I could see anyhow. thanks though!
  • You're in luck; Vanilla 0.9.2 already has the Extended Text Formatter functionality built in. When Mark was making Vanilla 0.9.3 (aka Vanilla 1), he took a bunch of features out of the core and placed them in extensions.
  • *nods in a_magical_me's direction.
    Well remembered.
  • Im facing the same problem.. the new extensions that are uploaded are not detected and shown in the list for the extension management list.. specifically im trying to install the BBinsertbar im troubleshooting it now.. any pointers ??..
  • which version of vanilla?
  • Vanilla
  • I'm fairly sure the bbinsertbar only works on v0.9.3
  • does this explain it??
    // Loop through each file
    while (false !== ($Item = readdir($FolderHandle))) {
    $RecordItem = true;
    if ($Item == "." || $Item == ".." || is_dir(agEXTENSIONS.$Item)) {
    // do nothing
    } else {
    // Retrieve extension properties
    $Lines = @file(agEXTENSIONS.$Item);
    if (!$Lines) {
  • Yes the BBInsertBar is only for v0.9.3 --> Version 1
  • edited May 2006
    i took the latest version from the where can i get the 0.9.3?

    got it..
  • edited May 2006
    Whew! I've been working on this same problem and man is it frustrating... I'm trying to get theses extensions to work - Attachments - Notify - NewsMailer - AddComments I have version My folder structure looks like this on the server >extensions (777) .....>AddComments (777) ..........>default.php (644) ..........>ReadMe.txt (644) ..........>style.css (644) .....>Attachments (777) ..........>default.php (644) ..........>delete.php (644) ..........>doc_logo.gif (644) ..........>function.js (644) ..........>pdf_logo.gif (644) ..........>readme.html (644) ..........>readme.txt (644) ..........>style.css (644) .....>BBCode.php (644) .....>CategoryJumper.php (644) ect... The regular extensions which came with are in the Manage Extensions panel but none of these that I've added are appearing. I tried manually changing the exetensions.php file in the appg folder but no dice (just a ton of errors). I am able to get the uploaded extensions to show up on the list if I add the default.php files directly to the extensions folder, once enabled errors starting popping up though because it's no longer in it's folder with it supporting files. PLEASE HELP
  • The extensions you're trying to use are for vanilla 1 which isnt released yet. You can get the prerelease if you want but it is still a beta.
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