I have installed the vanilla forums on my server. Is it possible to disable the 'activity' feature from the foums? eg. I want to disable it completely. Please let me know how it can be done?
Revoke the Garden.Activity.View permission from all roles. That will effectively hide it from everyone. There's no way to stop it from creating items completely.
I could remove the activity tab from members profile like that:
from my active theme I edit the following file
/themes/Your Theme/views/profile/tabs.php
and put an if statement
$CssClass = $TabCode == $this->_CurrentTab ? 'Active ' : '';
// array_key_exists: Just in case a method was removed but is still present in sortorder
if (array_key_exists($TabCode, $this->_ProfileTabs)) {
$TabInfo = GetValue($TabCode, $this->_ProfileTabs, array());
$CssClass .= GetValue('CssClass', $TabInfo, '');
if($CssClass!='Activity'){ //show all tabs but not the activity one
echo '<li'.($CssClass == '' ? '' : ' class="'.$CssClass.'"').'>'.Anchor(GetValue('TabHtml',$TabInfo, $TabCode), GetValue('TabUrl', $TabInfo), array('class' => 'TabLink'))."</li>\r\n";
if your using a theme that has a smarty template
default.master.tpl - you could probably remove the link there.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Revoke the Garden.Activity.View permission from all roles. That will effectively hide it from everyone. There's no way to stop it from creating items completely.
Revoking GArden.Activity.View permission from "Roles & Permissions" doesn't work.
aside from removing it in menu links.
you could add this to custom.css
this will remove activity in the profile tabs,
li.Activity {
display:none; !important
you could also change
as well as index.php
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I simply unchecked Activities for both Guests and Members from the Roles & Permissions within Dashboard. Worked fine for me!
I could remove the activity tab from members profile like that:
from my active theme I edit the following file
/themes/Your Theme/views/profile/tabs.php
and put an if statement
Sorry for the auto replay, But i Found a better way to do that.
In my theme I have 2 tabs.php files
1- themes/MY-Theme/views/profile
2- /themes/MY-Theme/views
In both I Added $TabCode!='Actividad' , where 'Actividad' is the name of the tab I want to remove (the same name that is displayed)
Watch out because it will show up no matter what if you're logged in as Admin. log in as guest or member and it will not be there.
Super admins have all permissions at all times. Definitely have a standard member for testing out stuff.
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