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Anyone Blog here?

TreyTrey New
edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
just wondering if anyone has a blog portal set up on their system, and acually uses it? I'm looking for a blogging system other then wordpress but has the same kind of set up like wordpress. reason being is that I installed the latest version of it, and I cant get to the index or the import page of it =/. I'm not asking for help with that though, just curious of what blogging portals everyone uses.


  • I use Wordpress :D
  • text-pattern. But I'm not developing it for blogging...
  • It also occurs to me that, if you can't get WP to work, you may have server problems which would prevent other apps from working.
  • I dont think I have server problems, I'm running a dedicated server, centOS 4.3, with php 4.3 (I believe, havent checked in awhile) on Linux. I'm able to get wordpress somewhat going, uts just I cant get the index page or import page to load, I just get a blank screen. Its weird and I dont understand it so I'm giving up on the latest version 2.0.2 of wordpress, I may try to find an older version to give a shot at running it.
  • yeah.. the first alternative i'd look at would be textpattern followed by either expression engine or movable type
  • ^ you can test most open source blogs there I've been using WordPress for over a year and most of the time I'm happy with it. Last few weeks I'm often getting the weird error and I'm unable to login (this is solved by deleting files in cashe folder). I'm thinking about trying Textpattern, but their template system is not as simple as the one WordPress has and I can't find a decent site with pluggins.
  • TreyTrey New
    edited April 2006
    thanks Pera! that link will help me out a lot when I get home later tonight. I'm not looking to buy a blogging script, so the open source page would be my best bet for now
  • Wordpress for me. If you want to try fixing your problem, is usually pretty prompt to throw up some answers.
  • Oooooh. Just noticed that eboy are now using Wordpress as well. Crazeee -
  • unfortunately textpattern support pretty much sucks.
  • whats there to need support for?
  • for when you throw a steel pipe in the cogs.
  • no, i'm curious... I know I've had some frustrations of my own with the core dev side of the community being fairly quiet and hard to get a handle on in terms of where to contribute, what the direction is, etc... but the forums move along faster then I could ever keep up with and I found them generally more helpful the the web based WP forum which I can never find anything on. In many respects I found the community the opposite of the WP one (where the wp-hackers side was jumping with people wanting to hack thigns or talk about future releases but I had issues getting solid info on how to implement what was there now) So I'm just kinda curious what kinda "support" for txp sucks
  • yeah, I went to the support forum also for help and got 1 reply which was to re-upload the admin directory heres the thread. I did find someone else mentioning they cant get to the dashboard and they got an error which they posted, but noone replied to it, and I think they're going through the same problem I am.
    can I ask what version of wordpress most of ya'll are using? and if its a later version then the most current (2.0.2), do you still have the zip package that I could possibly download? I would rather use wordpress anyways because it is easy to customize, and has a lot of extras for it
  • i use wordpress. i just started a blog here...
  • Crypt, what version are you using?
  • I can second placenamehere's opinion - it's hard to keep up with textpattern community and on the whole they're pretty active and helpful. A bit like here except x-times larger :-)
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited April 2006
    Hmmm what version is Crypt using...?

    <title>Jon Kantro </title> <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.0.2" />

  • haha shows how much I know about wordpress :P I may stick with an olderversion cause I found 1.5.2 or go to a different blogging script. I spent to much time trying to get wordpress 2.0.2 working it has gotten annoying to me.
  • I use a custom platform that I developed. Haven't completed it though. Not sure I will. Heh.

    I've heard a few good things about WordPress. Or you could go with PHPNuke (although this is more of a CMS)?
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