I'm not very technical, although I can figure things out when I have to - I wanted a solution that would have me up and running in no time flat, and of course something that looked okay stock, until I have some time to mod it a bit. WP has been good so far, i'm not too jazzed on the ver.2 upgrade, ver.1 of WP was just fine for me - but oh well.
I've had my blog going for a while now - running K2 at the moment. PostPixel.
Thanks Crypt
nice one Mugget... got something i haven't- some good content ;) mine is more of a place for me to build silly little scripts and "features" in php. just for fun.
yeah, I think I may end up creating my own also after a lot of testing with some other blogging scripts. I have wrote up a simple news section of my site site with an admin site and whatnot, but if I want to use it as a blogging script I'm gonna have to customize it even more so it suits my needs.
and as for the swell blog, I think its release will be awesome! but I can wait until Mark is happy with the forum before working on that.
Another wordpress user here, though I'm running something different than the usual stock of Kubrick/K2/Hemingway themes, mine is a port of Jake Nickell's site design
I think some of us here including mark have spent time at yayhooray at one point in time to say that there's some similarities and many differences. However much of the functionality which we're used to stems from all the forums we're used to browsing :)
If you are going to use WP, remember to update it frequently, popular scripts like that will be checked hundreds of times a day for vulnerabilities by nasty men from foreign countries.
I run Wordpress but it's not a big blog. I just post to it for myself really. I lost all my previous posts sadly because of my previous hosts. Fuckers.
i have a few blogs wordpress stylee... and a few very simple ones set up on blogger (good for the quick and painless ones)
my wp blogs are http://www.mashedpeas.com (hacked v 1.5.2) and http://www.iBrod.com standard 2.0 - no hacks...
I'm not very technical, although I can figure things out when I have to - I wanted a solution that would have me up and running in no time flat, and of course something that looked okay stock, until I have some time to mod it a bit. WP has been good so far, i'm not too jazzed on the ver.2 upgrade, ver.1 of WP was just fine for me - but oh well.
I've had my blog going for a while now - running K2 at the moment.
Scam City
And ellin, there is not, I suggest ou look at YayHooray for that dealy
Proud owner of a hacked WP site.