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E3 Baby!

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Yep, it's that time of year again! Sony's keynote is in only half an hour.




  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    No idea. I don't play computer games any more. {Is that sad?}
  • Dunno but keep me updated. I want an aibo :(
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    Ridge Racer 11?
  • edited May 2006
    Oh god, $500 for a bare-bones PS3? >_<
  • Just for the record, PS3 sucks ass :3 *this public message was sponsored by Bitey and friends of Bitey*
  • I don't care about that. What I find hilarious and sad is that through out the presentation they kept saying "we are just scratching the surface on what PS3 can do" and all that noise. And they show me games I played on the PS1 just with better graphics, ok, I can dig that, but why exactly would I pay minimum of 500$ for a machine that has all of the games I have already played, just repacked, renamed and with nicer graphics? Where are the real innovations that Revolution (I refuse to call it Wii) is bringing us, and with one fifth of the price? What they are basically selling is an upgrade, not a console, they have absolutely nothing in their machine that justifies the extra increment in it's name. Now I know that this isn't just with PS3 but with Xenon too, and I hate it too, what Xenon did was just take the Xbox overclock it, repackaged it and sold it away. I would rather buy a media center pc that has tons of more function and some of them have more powerful graphics than either of those machines by far (I think that justifies the high price if PS3 can justify a price of 500$ with nothing at all). For me, next-gen is Revolution, everything else is just a big let me down - just like in the handheld market, PSP is just a small playstation, and expensive at that too.
  • I think you'd have difficulty finding a media pc which was even nearly comparable with the 'xenon' for the same price. I do admit that it was hardly a revolutionary breakthrough in console history, but after chipping my xbox so i could use it as a media centre the fact they built it in and gave me wireless controls is temptation enough for me.
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    mini come post on G so I don't feel lonely xD

    But anyway...

    it's now been priced at 499E with a 20GB hard drive, and 599E with a 60GB hard drive - ouch! (that's Euros btw). That's about £340 and £410 respectively, and then add import tax on top of that... Sony are now a victim of their own 1080p hype and it seems will pay the price for focusing on 'true' high definition TV.

    Worldwide release on November 11th.

    Oh, and they've ditched the 'boomerang'.

    During the conference last night there was a terrible atmosphere, a distinct lack of enthusiuasm from the crowd, the conference truly sucked on all levels, and the PS3 has become incredibly undesirable.

    It was a total disaster. Not only did it start almost an hour late, the PS3 ended up expensive as holy fucking hell with that same horrendously ergonomically-incorrect controller retrofitted with a Wii-ripoff that probably won't get supported to any great degree.
  • Looks like my 'pre-order ps3 consoles and sell them on ebay when they sell out in shops the day of the launch' scam wont work then? Or are there enough stupid people out there?
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited May 2006
    Sony: We don't do gimmicks

    Now, take a look at our Karaoke game that comes with a Microphone.
    Hey, here's a card game that you control with a camera.
    Oh and our controller has this thing in it, you know like that Nintendo gimmick but ours is not a gimmick.

    Edit: My thoughts on the PS3. It could be a good thing but Sony for some reason are completely fucking up any good feelings for it right now. People have been burned by their technical demos before too. I'd rather wait until I've seen actual released games before passing full judgement. However, right now, the Xbox360 is looking much nicer to me. Also, I really hate that design of the PS3, with the Spider-man font on it and the curves. It's horrible.
  • Mini, I wouldn't find a MPC as cheap as Xenon, BUT I would find a MPC that is slightly more expensive, a TON (a literal ton, aka. one thousand kilos) of useful features, and modern MPCs have the brawn to play the newest games. Can we say win-win?
  • i want to see more wii
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've been completely jazzed about the revolution for EVER. I can't wait to see what they've got today.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    So I was pretty disappointed that (a) Nintendo didn't announce a launch date and (b) Nintendo didn't announce a price :(
  • I'd rather get no release date now, than a release date they end up breaking. As far as the price is concerned, we know it's less than $300, and $250 has been tossed around. I'm guessing they want to keep people talking about the absurdly high PS3 price for as long as possible. And they did announce wii-enabled zelda on launch day, and starfox ds, which was enough for me.
  • Nintendo are back in my heart fully.

    A few years ago I realised I'd only bought Nintendo consoles. It wasn't something I planned. Then I broke that last year by buying a PS2.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited May 2006
    Oh, I wasn't let down at all. I was pretty pumped to see some actual game screens, too. And that controller looks exhausting to use. I can't wait :) I had heard about the $250 price tag, but I wanted validation. I also felt that them announcing a $250 price tag right after ps3 showed up with a low-end version for double that would have been very powerful and sent a lot of people home thinking, "Screw ps3, I'm buying a wii" I really wanted to know a launch date because I think if they release before the ps3, they'll destroy sony. People won't wait to buy a ps3 if the price is right on a wii and it's out before the ps3. But if it comes out after the ps3, people will already have invested too much in their Playstation to afford a wii - no matter what the price.
  • Wed 12pm is all I'm waiting for. It's the only thing I've so far marked on my calendar with any kind of significant importance :D
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