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E3 Baby!



  • edited May 2006
  • Gonads and strife. That's all You'll hear out of me on the above.
  • You know, the name is really growing on me...
  • edited May 2006
    And what's this I hear about Grand Theft Auto 4 for the Xbox 360?

    (Peter) Moore takes off his jacket -- to show off his Halo 2 tattoo. The other arm has a Grand Theft Auto IV tattoo! October 16, 2007 in North America, October 19 in Europe.

    Microsoft and Rockstar games have entered into an exclusive partnership to provide exclusive episodic content through Xbox Live. Moore is interrupted by applause after this announcement. The crowd was not expecting this, and is pumped to hear it.
    One fewer reason to want a PS3
  • Sounds intriguing.
  • Did anybody record me when I said that the Sony and Microsoft were switching roles before the 360 was released?
  • Did anybody record me when I said that the Sony and Microsoft were switching roles before the 360 was released?
    Well the Xbox is still practically a non-entity in Japan...
  • Hmm, I guess my analogy didn't take Asia into account. Ahh well, I still don't see many average gamers plopping down $500 for a console.
  • Hey! It's not a console. It's an all encompassing central media hub for the home.
  • edited May 2006
    The average age of gamers is slowly increasing, though, so the PS3 may be more for the "early 30s gamer" set than the "college student" set.

    Being in the latter group, I have no interest in it, but if I was 10 years older, already had a bitchin HDTV, and wanted to show it off, I might be.
  • This might be of use to people.

    Might not.
  • PC Gamer 4 life
  • Holy crap, Super Paper Mario looks crazy trippy.

    And by that I mean crazy awesome.
  • That control really doesnt look very good atall. And just for reference, how am i expected to pronounce wii?
  • Wii is pronounced like "we".

    And the controller I posted is just the classic controller for use with old games in the virtual console.
  • I have to go take a wii...
  • I watched all the press conferences and I must say that Nintendo was just what I expected, unmatched awesome from the starting seconds to the finish (can Satoru Iwata be any more cool like he came and conducted a symphony oprchestra playing Zelda theme!). But I must add that Microsoft blew me out of water too, as many of you know, next-gen is more about the games than anything - I just wish more people would wake up and see that - and Xenon has the most impressive catalogue of games coming, and what really did a number on me, was that MS really went on a limb here and pulled their shit together. Only consoles I have are Nintendo ones, and that isn't because I'm a Nintendo fanboy, I just love games so very much, and as a computer gamer, I just noticed that almost 90% of the games I wanted to play on PS2 and Xbox later came to PC, and where none of the GC games arrived on PC. So what one is supposed to do? I give this, IF I didn't have a gaming computer, I would definedly buy Xbox as an addition to my GC. I just hope that this generation puts Sony on a tight spot so that when the next generation comes, they will go on the Nintendo way and actually try to come up with something new, Sony is an innovative company, they just make very many bad descisions.
  • edited May 2006

    At the Nintendo booth, marked "Zapper Style"
  • I just came here to post that. Damn you Bergamot.

    Brings back memories of Duck Hunt :D
  • Well that is just awesome, totally awesome. But have any of you seen the UT2007 movie? I just think that if there is an action game to kick ass and take a name, there is a pretty good candidate to do just that. I wish EPIC would come down from their high horse and make a game for Revolution, the graphics in it aren't THAT bad.
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