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Greeting inbox message?

I'm not sure if this is already installed in the dashboard or not. I want to set up a inbox message sent from the website to players once they have confirmed their emails as a greeting. Is this possible? I know it should be possible I'm just obviously blind to where it is located.



  • There is a message :

    Hello !

    You have successfully connected to Vanilla Forums Community. Here is your information:

    Connected With:

    You can access the site at

    Have a great day!

    Is that what you want to change ?

  • No I want to make that an inbox message on the forums.

  • Well not that message to the inbox but basically a custom message sent to the player inbox after registering.

  • I believe you can customize that message and change it to anything you want. in the folder forum/application/dashboard/locale/en-CA/definitions.php

  • Are you sure? Went to it, doesn't look like that has anything to do with setting up a message to the person inbox after signing up.

  • Because I don't know what set up you are using all I can do is guess where your files are. This is some of what that file contains. i removed some of it coz it won't fit.

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    $Definition['Locale'] = 'en-CA';
    $Definition['_Locale'] = 'Locale';
    // THESE ARE RELATED TO VALIDATION FUNCTIONS IN /garden/library/core/validation.functions.php
    $Definition['ValidateRegex'] = '%s does not appear to be in the correct format.';
    $Definition['ValidateRequired'] = '%s is required.';
    $Definition['ValidateRequiredArray'] = 'You must select at least one %s.';
    $Definition['ValidateEmail'] = '%s does not appear to be valid.';
    $Definition['ValidateFormat'] = 'You are not allowed to post raw html.';
    $Definition['ValidateDate'] = '%s is not a valid date.';
    $Definition['ValidateInteger'] = '%s is not a valid integer.';
    $Definition['ValidateBoolean'] = '%s is not a valid boolean.';
    $Definition['ValidateDecimal'] = '%s is not a valid decimal.';
    $Definition['ValidateTime'] = '%s is not a valid time.';
    $Definition['ValidateTimestamp'] = '%s is not a valid timestamp.';
    $Definition['ValidateUsername'] = 'Usernames must be 3-20 characters and consist of letters, numbers, and underscores.';
    $Definition['ValidateLength'] = '%1$s is %2$s characters too long.';
    $Definition['ValidateEnum'] = '%s is not valid.';
    $Definition['ValidateOneOrMoreArrayItemRequired'] = 'You must select at least one %s.';
    $Definition['ValidateConnection'] = 'The connection parameters you specified failed to open a connection to the database. The database reported the following error: <code>%s';
    //$Definition['ValidateMinimumAge'] = 'You are too young to proceed.';
    $Definition['ValidateMatch'] = 'The %s fields do not match.';
    $Definition['ValidateVersion'] = 'The %s field is not a valid version number. See the php version_compare() function for examples of valid version numbers.';
    $Definition['ValidateBanned'] = 'That %s is not allowed.';
    $Definition['ValidateUrlStringRelaxed'] = '%s can not contain slashes, quotes or tag characters.';
    $Definition['ErrorPermission'] = 'Sorry, permission denied.';
    $Definition['InviteErrorPermission'] = 'Sorry, permission denied.';
    $Definition['ErrorBadInvitationCode'] = 'The invitation code you supplied is not valid.';
    $Definition['ErrorCredentials'] = 'Sorry, no account could be found related to the email/username and password you entered.';
    $Definition['ErrorPluginVersionMatch'] = 'The enabled {0} plugin (version {1}) failed to meet the version requirements ({2}).';
    $Definition['ErrorPluginDisableRequired'] = 'You cannot disable the {0} plugin because the {1} plugin requires it in order to function.';
    $Definition['ErrorPluginEnableRequired'] = 'This plugin requires that the {0} plugin be enabled before it can be enabled itself.';
    $Definition['ErrorTermsOfService'] = 'You must agree to the terms of service.';
    $Definition['ErrorRecordNotFound'] = 'The requested record could not be found.';
    $Definition['PageDetailsMessageFull'] = '%1$s to %2$s of %3$s';
    $Definition['PageDetailsMessage'] = '%1$s to %2$s';
    $Definition['RoleID'] = 'role';
    $Definition['Garden.Registration.DefaultRoles'] = 'default role';
    $Definition['Garden.Title'] = 'Banner Title';
    $Definition['Garden.Email.SupportName'] = 'Support name';
    $Definition['Garden.Email.SupportAddress'] = 'Support email';
    $Definition['UrlCode'] = 'Url code';
    $Definition['OldPassword'] = 'Old password';
    $Definition['RoleID'] = 'role';
    $Definition['EmailHeader'] = 'Hello {User.Name}!
    $Definition['EmailFooter'] = '
    Have a great day!';
    $Definition['EmailInvitation'] = 'Hello!
    %1$s has invited you to join %2$s. If you want to join, you can do so by clicking this link:
    $Definition['EmailMembershipApproved'] = 'Hello %1$s,
    You have been approved for membership. Sign in now at the following link:
    $Definition['EmailWelcome'] = '%2$s has created an account for you at %3$s. Your login credentials are:
      Email: %6$s
      Password: %5$s
      Url: %4$s';
    $Definition['EmailPassword'] = '%2$s has reset your password at %3$s. Your login credentials are now:
      Email: %6$s
      Password: %5$s
      Url: %4$s';
    $Definition['EmailConfirmEmail'] = 'You need to confirm your email address before you can continue. Please confirm your email address by clicking on the following link: {/entry/emailconfirm,exurl,domain}/{User.UserID,rawurlencode}/{EmailKey,rawurlencode}';
    $Definition['EmailWelcomeRegister'] = 'You have successfully registered for an account at {Title}. Here is your information:
      Username: {User.Name}
      Email: {User.Email}
    You can access the site at {/,exurl,domain}.';
    $Definition['EmailWelcomeConnect'] = 'You have successfully connected to {Title}. Here is your information:
      Username: {User.Name}
      Connected With: {ProviderName}
    You can access the site at {/,exurl,domain}.';
    $Definition['PasswordRequest'] = 'Someone has requested to reset your password at %2$s. To reset your password, follow this link:
    If you did not make this request, disregard this email.';
    $Definition['EmailNotification'] = '%1$s
    Follow the link below to check it out:
    Have a great day!';
    $Definition['EmailStoryNotification'] = '%1$s
    Follow the link below to check it out:
    Have a great day!';
    $Definition['PluginHelp'] = "Plugins allow you to add functionality to your site.
    Once a plugin has been added to your %s folder, you can enable or disable it here."; $Definition['ApplicationHelp'] = "Applications allow you to add large groups of functionality to your site.
    Once an application has been added to your %s folder, you can enable or disable it here."; $Definition['ThemeHelp'] = "Themes allow you to change the look & feel of your site.
    Once a theme has been added to your %s folder, you can enable it here."; $Definition['AddonProblems'] = "Problems?If something goes wrong with an addon and you can't use your site, you can disable them manually by editing:%s"; $Definition['Date.DefaultFormat'] = '%B %e, %Y'; $Definition['Date.DefaultDayFormat'] = '%B %e'; $Definition['Date.DefaultYearFormat'] = '%B %Y'; $Definition['Date.DefaultTimeFormat'] = '%l:%M%p'; $Definition['Date.DefaultDateTimeFormat'] = '%B %e, %Y %l:%M%p'; $Definition['Saved'] = 'Your changes have been saved.'; $Definition['%s New Plural'] = '%s new'; .
  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2012

    @fubarp said:
    Are you sure? Went to it, doesn't look like that has anything to do with setting up a message to the person inbox after signing up.

    So you want a message sent - as if it were a conversation coming from the admin (in addition to the confirmation email).

    you can't do that without a plugin and/or mod to the core - there is no interaction with inbox conversations upon approval.

    However, the approval message can be changed in the activities(in case you make do with this.).

    via changing definition....

    $Definition['Welcome Aboard!'] = "We would like to welcome you to our forum. Hope to see you posting soon. Remember you are lucky we are doing this for free. Custom programming available for a fee :)";

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • FWIW, this is on my short list of plugins to make.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2012

    @Lincoln said:
    FWIW, this is on my short list of plugins to make.

    FWIW - glad you mentioned it and glad I haven't spent any time pursuing beyond researching the existing framework :)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited November 2012

    I literally have an uncommitted plugin folder called 'Greeter' sitting in my local core repo. :) Not very far along, but definitely going in sometime soon.

    My hangup is there's a behavior problem with Conversations. Delete Conversation removes you from all further correspondence in the chain which doesn't make any sense, and means the admin would have a stack of these greetings in their inbox constantly that they could never delete. Stupid. Needs to be corrected but it's a complex change.

  • @Lincoln

    not relating to your plugin but if conversations app gets revamped, it would be cool - if upon deletion of conversation by last remaining recipient - the message body gets deleted too, and the conversation table gets cleaned - instead of stacking up of records that can never be accessed by admin or users in vanilla again (except via a database tool). At least that is the way it is in vanilla

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Good insight, I didn't even realize it was doing that.

  • @peregrine said:

    Yeah that was what I was asking for and dang. I'll think of something maybe actually placing the code needed in the Reregistration Email. Idk..

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    There is a message :

    Hello !

    You have successfully connected to Vanilla Forums Community. Here is your information:

    Connected With:

    You can access the site at

    Have a great day!

    Is that what you want to change ?

    I have a problem here, where i can change the text in the locale between Hello and Have a great day. But these both expressions seem to be wrapped around the text (need it in german) and i can't find where they originate.

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • @phreak these?

    $Definition['EmailHeader'] = 'Hello {User.Name}!';
    $Definition['EmailFooter'] = 'Have a great day!';
    $Definition['EmailStoryNotification'] = '%1$s%3$s---Follow the link below to check it out:%2$sHave a great day!';
    $Definition['EmailWelcomeConnect'] = 'You have successfully connected to {Title}. Here is your information: Username:{User.Name}Connected With: {ProviderName}You can access the site at {/,exurl,domain}.';
  • phreakphreak MVP
    edited March 2013

    Thanx vrijvlinder, EMailHeader and EmailFotter didn't exist in mym locale. Seems like i never created them. :/

    Another issue i have is the notification text for conversations.

    Hey there, Username

    You have just received a new message on! Visit our forums at " to check it out.

    Thank you, staff.*

    Can't find this one in the conversations locale nor anyway. Mmhh scratch

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • @phreak said:
    Another issue i have is the notification text for conversations.

    Can't find this one in the conversations locale nor anyway. Mmhh scratch

    In the english locale or the Austrian locale?

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Nowhere :/

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited March 2013

    @phreak I did a search on the 2.0 source code and I didn't get a hit for "hey there" or "You have just received".

    Are you running 2.1? What is the exact message say?

    Search first

    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

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  • I'm running 2.0.18.X.

    Wonder where that one hides?!

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
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