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FileUpload Suddenly Stopped Working

My community has informed me that FileUpload quick working recently. The box just says "Uploading" and nothing happens. It has been working great. Recently, I installed vanilla for another site in a different directory on the same host. Would that have caused some problem with FileUpload? Know of any way to fix it?

I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance!



  • in the dashboard does it say (Alternative PHP Cache) is not installed?

  • Where would I see that in the dashboard?

  • under plugins and then settings for the plugin.

  • I don't believe that is installed. I never setup the fancy progress bars.

  • if it stopped workign it is usually due to something that is going affect the upload, such as server rules, capacity, and folder permissions.

    grep is your friend.

  • edited February 2013

    I discovered something interesting, apparently the foot div needs to be rendered. Check to see if you have this in the views folder default.master.php of your theme right after the < div id="Foot" >

                    echo Wrap(Anchor(T('Powered by Vanilla'), C('Garden.VanillaUrl')), 'div');

    I did not think it mattered but I tested it by removing this from one of my themes. And it stopped working, just stayed uploading and nothing. I put the line in again and it worked again. So it just may have something to do with this after all. Also don't forget to set permissions in the dashboard to allow users to upload.

    Edit: maybe the link is not essential but the $this->RenderAsset('Foot'); is.

  • I really appreciate you folks trying to help me.

    I think my footer is fine after looking at your code. I haven't changed the theme in quite a while, so that shouldn't be it.

    The only thing that has been changed recently is "Recently, I installed vanilla for another site in a different directory on the same host." Could this have any effect?

    Is there any way to get more information about what is going wrong? An error code or something. Thanks in advance!

  • No that should not affect it I have several installations under my root in subdirectories.

    I can't think of anything else we have come up with, except try using the default theme and see if that has some effect. And make sure you have set permissions to upload in the dashboard under permissions. Search the forum for more answers. Give a link to test the error. :(

  • it's likely just a file system change. double check the permissions.

  • edited February 2013

    Is there any way to get more information about what is going wrong? An error code or something.

    That is what is very strange , usually people have complained about getting bonked during or trying to upload. but you say that the upload just sticks uploading and no upload. I found in the forum details about the foot asset being missing in some themes. I thought well how can a theme affect anything like an upload form? So I removed the part and my upload stopped working and just hung there like you describe, no Bonk. The upload form is in the foot of the form. If there is foot{display:none;} or the {Render Foot } is not there, it can and does seem to affect the function of the form. I still can't wrap my mind around how this could be but it does as I have tested it.

    Why not try to remove it and re install the plugin.

  • I tried several different themes with no luck. What should the uploads permissions be set to?


    Here is the site if someone could take the time to look. Thanks!

  • What should the uploads permissions be set to?

    to allow uploads and downloads

  • netdzynrnetdzynr New
    edited March 2013

    I recently installed FileUpload and have been struggling with unending (nonresponsive) upload. Have tried in Firefox and Chrome without success. Site is hosted at GoDaddy, running Vanilla

    I notice that after selecting a file, nothing is listed in the file field (and get the unending status GIF).

    Searching the archives, have tried the following:

    • Added div to theme's footer in default.master.tpl file
    • Enabled upload/download in user/moderator/admin settings
    • Set permissions of uploads folder to variations from 755 to 777
    • Uninstalled/reinstalled
    • Disabled/enabled
    • Tried switching to default theme

    Using FileUpload 1.5.2, have never been able to get file uploading to work.

    Are there any new suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

  • edited March 2013

    I would guess this might be the problem

    // Define the plugin:
    $PluginInfo['FileUpload'] = array(
       'Description' => 'This plugin enables file uploads and attachments to discussions and comments.',
       'Version' => '1.5.2',
      'RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => '2.0.9'),
       'RequiredTheme' => FALSE, 
       'RequiredPlugins' => FALSE,
       'HasLocale' => FALSE,
       'RegisterPermissions' => array('Plugins.Attachments.Upload.Allow','Plugins.Attachments.Download.Allow'),
       'SettingsUrl' => '/dashboard/plugin/fileupload',
       'SettingsPermission' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage',

    Notice it says the required app this may mean you need to upgrade to at least
    You might be able to get it to work by changing this to the version of vanilla you have but I don't know because I can't test it. remember to change permissions in the file and the folder. Those permissions need not be 777 that is not necessary ok, 775 max .

    I had this issue in the beginning , but never had permission problems. Make sure you have an uploads folder and that it has permissions .

  • 'RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => '2.0.9'),

    means versions greater than vanilla 2.0..9 which the OP certainly has.

    in this case changing RequiredApplications is a red herring and won't do anything for you but confuse the issue.

    make sure your Folder is FileUpload not fileupload and the permissions for this folder are writeable.


    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Thanks for the suggestions. FWIW, after reading the above, I ran GoDaddy's application update to get Vanilla installed, and this enabled FileUpload to start working. So it seems the latest version of Vanilla may indeed be required (for 1.5.x anyway).

  • @netdzynr said:
    Thanks for the suggestions. FWIW, after reading the above, I ran GoDaddy's application update to get Vanilla installed, and this enabled FileUpload to start working. So it seems the latest version of Vanilla may indeed be required (for 1.5.x anyway).

    they may need to change the plugin description to

    RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => '2.0.18')

    so nobody gets caught unaware. That way the plugin won't enable unless you have 2.0.18.x and no one will waste time trying to get it to work with a vanilla version less than 2.0.18.x

    You might file this on github if you think it is valid.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I declare that This was only a .25% red herring on my part !

  • edited April 2013

    Forward motion!

    I installed the latest version of FileUpload and it seems to work well. I uploaded several test images flawlessly.

    However, on further examination I noticed that none of the images uploaded by the previous version where visible. Many of these are images imported from a Vanilla 1 forum which had been working with the previous FIleUpload.

    Any ideas to fix the new version so it shows my old images?

    Thank you!

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