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FileUpload Suddenly Stopped Working



  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited April 2013

    did you copy the folder over with the images from your old version? check the uploads folder to see if any of the older images even exist in your new vanilla directory scheme.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Have you checked the old vanilla 1 uploads folder ? Did you back it up?

    Anytime you upgrade some folders may need to be repopulated with the old data. If you overwrote the installation it could be you erased those. But if you have them saved or elsewhere in the folder, just move them to the new folder in the same order as they were saved. Same thing with other folders that contain thumbnails etc.

    This topic is for fileupload not working. Your issue is "Updated to lost file upload images from Version 1"

    Please start a new discussion with that title so it is more about your issue.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    I discovered something interesting, apparently the foot div needs to be rendered. Check to see if you have this in the views folder default.master.php of your theme right after the < div id="Foot" >

                  echo Wrap(Anchor(T('Powered by Vanilla'), C('Garden.VanillaUrl')), 'div');

    I did not think it mattered but I tested it by removing this from one of my themes. And it stopped working, just stayed uploading and nothing. I put the line in again and it worked again. So it just may have something to do with this after all. Also don't forget to set permissions in the dashboard to allow users to upload.

    Edit: maybe the link is not essential but the $this->RenderAsset('Foot'); is.

    That nailed it for me. I tinkered with the footer and handcoded the link back to Vanilla, and this messed up the File Upload. Good call!

  • LarkLark
    edited May 2013

    So I was having the same issue. I tried to use this the php RenderAsset insert, but instead of using the php as a call, it just inserts the "RenderAsset('Foot'); ?> text into the page as plaintext in the footer.

    Is there something I'm missing? It should go right after the <div id="Foot"> call, right?

    <div id="Foot"> <?php $this->RenderAsset('Foot'); ?> <div class="Row"> <a href="{vanillaurl}" class="PoweredByVanilla">Powered by Vanilla</a> {asset name="Foot"} </div> </div>

  • @Lark, it appears you are using a smarty theme.

    The theme you posted already renders the foot asset with {asset name="Foot"}.

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  • Bah. So I can't blame this on the php footer not rendering. Alright, a new post it is. Thanks @hgtonight !

    (Sorry, very much a php newb.)

  • @Lark No problem.

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