Offer - Plugins giveaway

Hi all,
I asked permission to the moderator to post this off-topic message, which they kindly granted.
I released two new plugins on my website and I would like to give away five licences of each for just $1/licence, to a few Users who would be willing to give me their feedback about them. One is the Post Scheduler, which is now greatly improved, the other is a Hot Threads plugin, which displays the Discussions with most Views and Comments and offers an Auto Refresh capability, in a similar way to LatestPostList from @hgtonight. Both plugins are compatible with Vanilla 2.0 and 2.1b.
Plugins will be provided with a full, single site Commercial Licence, but with low priority support (I think it's fair enough, for $1).
Anyone interested can reply to this thread to show his/her interest, so that other Users can see when the offer is complete. Thanks.
I'd be very interested in testing out both plugins - sorry for not replying to the email you sent me earlier, I've been in France snowboarding for the past 10 days. Learned a great deal from your SteamSignIn plugin so it'd be great learning (read: not copying) even more from these two.
Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub
Thanks @kasperisager. I will send you the details via PM.
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I'd like to be helpfull with my feedback as well.
Thanks @phreak, I'll contact you too.
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Well, please count me in.
Thanks @GaryFunk.
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Some screenshots would be great
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i'd be interested in looking at the hot threads plug in. the other one isn't of any interest to me, bu if your looking for someone to test it i will do that (but i won't pay you $1 to do something i gain nothing from)
as for the hot thread plugin, it will need to be context (permissions) sensitive for me to actually use it. on my site the hottest threads are usually "behind the wall" so for this to be a useful tool it will need to display the hottest threads available to the current user, not for the aggregate site.
pm me if your plugin is up to the challenge.
Vanilla Wiki, Tastes Great! 31,000 viewers can't be wrong. || Plugin Development Explained
@422 The screenshots are on my website, but I added them to this post as well (see below).
@hbf Sorry for giving the wrong impression. I'm not looking for beta testers (especially not for testers who should "pay for the privilege", I turned down volunteers who wanted to pay to test the Badges plugin). Testing has been completed, although the odd bug might always pop out, depending on the dozens variables in PHP environments.
I'm more looking for a feedback in terms of usefulness and usability. Also, I offered the discount to make the plugins accessible to Developers, such as @kasperisager, who expressed interest in inspecting the code.
Regarding the permissions: the Hot Threads relies on Vanilla's standard mechanism to display the Discussions, applying the same permission logic. Therefore, yes, it only displays the Discussions that the User would be authorised to see by browsing around normally.
Hot Threads

Post Scheduler

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Ok, looks like your hot threads plugin will work in m environment. Like I said in my previous post, pm me if you want me to try it out.
I use the term testing pretty loosely. To me evaluating things that fall into your requested "I'm more looking for a feedback in terms of usefulness and usability. " fits clearly into my definition of testing. In fact it's part of my "Application General Test Plan" guideline that I provide to my team at work.
Vanilla Wiki, Tastes Great! 31,000 viewers can't be wrong. || Plugin Development Explained
Ok, that makes sense when testing is made to ensure that a software meets specifications. In my case, usability & co. have already been tested, but, since the software was entirely conceived by me, they adhere to my own specifications.
From my perspective, they are fine, I was looking for the opinion of 3rd parties who would be interested in using them regularly. That is, not "let me know if it works, so I can fix it", but "what do you think about it". It's not a UAT, if we want to call it like that.
If you prefer, you can simply see my offer as an 80% to 93% discount on regular prices. It's not like I'm going to "chase" anyone who got them to give me their feedback.
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heyy @businessdad im interested
count me in
Yea I can test it but am limited with lack of gunny pigs , but a peruvian friend acosta he can spanglish a bit but has a hard time so I give him help when I can, anyhow the point is he has a ton of users and is in a plugin frenzy . I think he would be a good test subject. I will pay his dollar, it is still a dollar ? 93%=7 dollars ? , just zip them up and give him
I pay , but don't tell him I paid coz his wife might get suspicious 
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Ok then. @hbf for Hot Threads, @fr3333333x and @vrijvlinder for both. I will contact you all for the details.
@vrijvlinder, the offer is still for $1. 80% and 93% would be the discounts (out of curiosity, how did you get to $7?). I hope they will be useful to your friend.
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Interesting discussion and insight, to say the least.
How many of these licences are left?
grep is your friend.
I just flew in from mexico 4 5 hours, and my math tends to cloud my better judgment ...Yea well it could be 93% off 10 dollars or if you divide 10 into 93% =9.3 freakish
but if you use 1 divided by 93% =1.86 thats how they figure the sales tax , how awful isn't it? lol jk <<<
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$5 and $35, which is cheap, by any standard. I guess the question is, can sell enough of each?
off topic but since the crew is here , check this out, I don't mind if people ask me if they can publish anything I have posted on here, as long as it is not taken out of context. Seems there are beating posts out there lol . I don't like that what i wrote was manipulated and distorted. They even called me a techie lmao.
A post about how not to interact with techies is what it should be called
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I quote myself to clarify one thing about the above: although I'm not looking for bug reports, I will be glad to provide support for any issues that should arise. Due to the million combinations of PHP, jQuery, MySQL versions, settings and who knows what else, they are always around the corner...
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