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punBB conversions?

edited 2008 18 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does anyone know a punbb converter to Vanilla? I've read about it on the forums here, but haven't found any code yet. Actually I want to convert from SMF to punBB, but I have found a working smf->punbb converter so i'll try from punbb->vanilla... Also I'm going to have a look in the code to see if it will difficult to implement a similar passwod SALTing feature like SMF does into Vanilla so I can preserve my user's passwords. Probably should get to writing a smf->vanilla converter but if there is already a punbb converter then it'll be schweet. Also the Search feature on this site seems to be busted right now: (Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /applications/lussumo/community1/library/Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php on line 272)


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'm not sure about the converter, but the search problem was related to a change I just made ( I've fixed the bug now, so you can search away. Thanks for the tip!
  • I have converted from punBB to phpBB and then to Vanilla...
  • uzi that worked OK?
  • And with which version of each soft? :)
  • whats involved in making a migrator from one forum to vanilla?
    i means whats the process
  • Just work out the links between the databases and create a script which populates the vanilla database with the information found in the other forum softwares database. It's a fairly simple idea - the tricky part is making sure you get as much information as possible and also trying to keep all the data 'sane' - i.e. trying to retain correct formatting etc.
  • what do u do regarding passwords
  • That depends how they're encoded. Your options are pretty much either:
    If passwords in the old forum are MD5'd, just move them straight over.
    If passwords aren't encrypted, move them over and ideally encrypt them.
    If passwords are encrypted with a different method, use a random password hash and request users to reset their passwords.
  • I want try a manual conversion as suggested by Minisweeper. How can I check if passwords in the old forum are MD5'd? Are they in PunBB? Any other issues I should watch out for?
  • Assuming you know what your password is, stick it in this: and see if the output matches the password in the database.
  • Thanks Minisweeper! I should have checked earlier; PunBB uses SHA-1. I've found an SHA encrypter/decrypter here: Is there a quick way to move 100+ SHA-1 passwords from the PunBB table, convert them to MD5 and put them into the Vanilla table? Or could I just replace 'md5' in the Vanilla code with 'sha' or 'sha-1'? That looks like the easier, more solid solution to me.
  • I'm pretty sure just swapping md5 for sha in vanilla wouldn't work. I guess you could try it but dont get your hopes up. As for swapping the passwords from SHA to md5....I guess you'd have to write some kind of script to do it for you.
  • any progress on this guys? if you need anything re: punBB, let me know..
  • Anyone has any code that they are willing to share? I have a punBB that I want to convert to Vanilla...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    We'll be working on importers after Vanilla 2 is officially released. They're really hard to write, which is why people don't tackle them very often :/
  • Ah well, that means that I will have to do that -- unless Vanilla 2 is released within the next two/three months. Anyone who wants to give me a hand, please let me know as soon as possible. Otherwise, as soon as it works, I will post the code here.

    @Mark Thanks for letting me know. It appears that my whole project is just a little too early! Do you know when Vanilla2 will be released or is it still too early to tell?
  • @mark Thanks. Will use that one for further communications.
  • Anyone tried this on Vanilla 2?
  • LincLinc Admin
    @lament You'd need to double-import: once to Vanilla 1, then again to Vanilla 2. There's no direct punBB to Vanilla 2 import yet.
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