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Long response time

My forum at has often (not always) a slow reponse time. I mean before content even starts loading.
This problem is not addressed by minify or other caching plugin. I made some searches about optimization in this forum and did not find an answer.
I have the latest stable release and am hosted on Bluehost. Any suggestion about causes and solutions?



  • I have the latest stable release

    what is latest stable release? this helps no one now and no one in the future.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.


  • Out of curiosity, does it happen with all browsers, or only with Internet Explorer?

  • Slow load time can be pretty much a whole lot of stuff, starting with your computer and network and ending with your webhost.

    A cursory glance at the network response makes this look like either a far away server (I am in the US midwest), or a server with low bandwidth. It took 4.72 seconds to get a response to start loading the extra resources. You also have some missing resources that are returning a 404.

    I assume I don't fall in your demographic, so take these results with a grain of salt.

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  • I'm using Chrome 27.0.1448.0 dev-m.
    I tried now IE and it was slow.
    Also tried Firefox and it was a bit faster.
    A new user told me it was really slow.
    One thing I am sure of is that performance varies.

  • You have minify and pagespeed running at the same time - don't know if that has impact.

    you have

    which is cancelled.



    3.69 s140 ms

    seem slow

    use google chrome web developer and check network and audits. You have some extremely slow things loading. And all of the social buttons and requests from google are adding to loss of performance.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @ragdoll Sorry I wasn't clearer before. I am almost positive the performance is terrible at your host's level.

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  • @hgtonight said:
    ragdoll Sorry I wasn't clearer before. I am almost positive the performance is terrible at your host's level.

    Mmm, I've been using it to host my blog for 2 and a half years and it loads much faster than the forum.

  • @ragdoll

    It could be the dns zone isn't properly directing it to the right folder.

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  • ragdollragdoll
    edited March 2013

    Ok, thanks, I'll look at it.
    However, the requests from google are all except one to the page speed service, which should be meant to increase speed.

  • @hgtonight
    Mmm, I'm not sure what you mean.

  • @hgtonight

    you beat me to the response, coffee effect subsiding, synapses slowing down, neurotransmitters depleted and performance equivalent to an 80386 chip.

    I am no expert in here - so I'll drift off out of this thread and leave it to you.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @ragdoll do you have multiple sites hosted on the same account?

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  • @hgtonight
    Yes, I have three sites. But one of them has 10 visits per day and the other one about 100 per day.
    The biggest site in the account does about 2300 visits a day and is much faster than the forum.

    Also, in my last response to peregrine I forgot a thing. I have run pingdom and can see the elements that slow down loading after the site has "responded".
    My concern is about the response time, the one during which the loading icon in Chrome goes counterclockwise.
    This can't be analyzed through Pingdom and similar services, but often experienced users can have som suggestion about it.

  • @ragdoll

    This still looks like a hosting issue from my end. Either the php or mysql process is overloaded on your node, or the DNS zones aren't configured properly. I can't give you any more insight than I already did without access to your webhost (I don't want access!).

    Once you clear up your failing resources (the 404s), if the issue persists, contact your host (Bluehost in this case).

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  • @hgtonight
    Thanks, it was my suspect, I hoped there was some quick suggestion.
    PS. never thought to ask you to access my webhost ;-)

  • I'm looking at the mysql long queries log in my hosting account.
    For example, I found this query which took a minute:

    Wed Mar 27 09:12:07 2013

    Query_time: 61.059981 Lock_time: 0.000110 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 1

    use XXXDB;
    SET timestamp=1364397127;
    update GDN_Draft Draft set
    Body = 'Lo farò non apena troverò il coraggio (ma soprattutto i prodotti) per pulire il sensore. Comunque, i passaggi da fare sono i seguenti:\r\n1- Scattare una foto alla massima focale (per me 105 mm) con diaframma chiuso (almeno f11), puntando l\'obiettivo verso il cielo e valutare sul monitor le aree interessate;\r\n2- pulire accuratamente tutte le superfici di lavoro senza fare alzare la polvere; pulire con un panno (swiffer) la fotocamera in ogni sua parte;\r\n3- staccare l\'obiettivo tenendo la fotocamera rivolta verso il basso; sempre tenendo la fotocamera puntata verso il basso, utilizzare una pompetta per soffiare via eventuali residui di polvere ATTENZIONE A NON TOCCARE IL SENSORE CON LA POMPETTA;\r\n4- aprire la \"bustina\" della spatola e, seza toccarla mai con le mani, mettere qualche goccia di prodotto per pulire;\r\n5- sollevare lo specchio che copre il sensore ( M-UP) sempre tenendo la macchina puntata verso il basso;\r\n6- pulire in maniera uniforme (da destra verso sinistra e dall\'alto verso il basso) tutta la superficie del sensore;\r\n7- rimontare il tutto e ripetere lo scatto: se compaiono ancora macchie, ripetere la pulizia senza inumidire di nuovo la spatol\r\n',
    DiscussionID = '11',
    InsertUserID = '31',
    UpdateUserID = '31',
    DateInserted = '2013-03-27 09:11:06',
    DateUpdated = '2013-03-27 09:11:06'
    where DraftID = '14'

    It is the insertion of a new post, from what I understand.
    When I find this kind of problems, is there something I can do?

  • It is the insertion of a new post, from what I understand. When I find this kind of problems, is there something I can do?

    actually it looks like update of draft.

    you could turn off draft with the

    then look at sql optimization - maybe your sql tables need some clean up.

    try phpmyadmin look at operations - e.g. check table, analyze table, repair table

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine
    Thank you, great suggestion.

  • edited March 2013

    Also, make sure that the cache directory has the right permissions by both chmod and ownership. Try forks of MySQL such as Percona server or MariaDB and optimize your web server whether it be Apache, nginx, and so on. Be sure to go to the address ./utility/structure in Vanilla to make sure that all database updates are applied.

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

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