How can I change the text for "Announcement". I want to call this "Sticky"*

How can I change the text for "Announcement"?
I want to call this "Sticky"
I'm using a custom theme.
Thank you!
How can I change the text for "Announcement"?
I want to call this "Sticky"
I'm using a custom theme.
Thank you!
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What's the file location? theme master file?
either read the link that @hgtonight provided
or read this.
or add the definitions to conf/locale.php
you can search the forum - there have hundreds of discussions about it.
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Is there a way to make a second annoucement?
Not on the same thread. You need to make a new discussion to announce it .
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No, I mean... This is called Sticky (renamed from Announcement) and I want to put a second called "Trusted"
You can only add one definition per word. There may be a plugin but not sure, you would have to search for one.
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No plugin sadly, But If you wanted to do this you may google?
I found a plugin called Announcement (
In the plugin menu I have eeror message when I want to enable it (it's showing no name in plugin list)
The addon could not be enabled because it generated a fatal error:
The plugin folder was not properly defined.
it is an old plugin
add this to the plugin default.php after the part that says many thanks see if it works
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It's now in plugin list, but....
Fatal error: Class 'Control' not found in /home/content/61/10882761/html/plugins/Announcement/default.php on line 40
See screenshot for line 40... I don't know how to make this box with code...
I don't know but am I so stup... or why I need to ask so much Questions?
ok then add this instead of control in the same file after the list of $Context
class AnnouncementPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
There is no guarantee this will work but if you are willing to try and remove the closing php tag from that file after the end. remove the ?>
// The End
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like this?
there is a error...
You are not stupid, besides I learn too while trying to help
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you need to remove the line that has Control and only use the Garden one
remove this
class announcement extends Control {
put this in instead
class AnnouncementPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
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also change this
function announcement(&$Context) {
to this
function announcement($Context) {
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Ok a second error on line 61... I give up... this plugin is a crap...
I will try now in options.js to add announcement like this... Maybe it's working
there are a few other things to fix to make this work though.
should be
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adding in otions.js doesn't add another sticky... it would be too easy...